Roy Orbison - Careless Heart Roy Orbison - Careless Heart | *** Autor textu: Albert Hammond, Diane Warren, Roy Orbison *** Autor hudby: Albert Hammond, Diane Warren, Roy Orbison | I had somebody, somebody who loved me
Someone so good to me
You were my angel, you were my heaven
But I was too blind to see
= Mal som niekoho, niekoho kto ma ľúbil
= Niekoho tak milého ku mne
= Bola si mojim anjelom, mojim nebom
= Ale ja som bol tak slepý, že som to nevidel
I let you slip away, I guess I never knew
I had the world with you
I'd be there, still be there in your arms
= Nechal som ťa utiecť, asi to nikdy nepochopím
= s tebou som mal všetko
= Bol by som ešte, ešte stále v tvojom náručí
If not for my careless heart
You'd still be loving me
If not for my careless heart
You'd still be mine
= Nebyť môjho bezohľadného srdca
= Ešte by si ma ľúbila
= Nebyť môjho bezohľadného srdca
= Ešte by si bola moja
I wouldn't have this hurt inside
I wouldn't have this tears to cry
If not for my careless heart
If not for my careless heart
= Stále by si bola moja
= Necítil by som túto bolesť
= Netiekli by mi tieto slzy
= Nebyť môjho bezohľadného srdca
I had my chances, I took advantage
I took it all too far
So now you're gone, and I'm all alone
Alone with my lonely heart
= Mal som možnosti, využil som ich
= Nechal som to zájsť príliš ďaleko
= Teraz si preč a ja som sám
= Sám s mojím opusteným srdcom
I let it fall apart, I didn't care enough
I lost your precious love
You'd be here, still be here in my arms
= Rozpadlo sa to kvôli mne, nezabránil som tomu
= Stratil som tvoju cennú lásku
= Ešte by si tu bola, ešte stále v mojom náručí
If not for my careless heart
You'd still be loving me
If not for my careless heart
You'd still be mine
I wouldn't have this hurt inside
I wouldn't have this tears to cry
If not for my careless heart
If not for my careless heart
You'd still be mine
I'd be loving you, I'd be holding you
I'd be loving you
If not for my careless heart
= Ľúbil by som ťa, dotýkal by som sa ťa
= Miloval by som ťa
= Nebyť môjoho bezohľadného srdca
I wouldn't have this hurt inside
I wouldn't have this tears to cry
If not for my careless heart
If not for my careless heart
If not for my careless heart
You'd still be loving me
If not for my careless heart
You'd still be mine
I wouldn't have this hurt inside
I wouldn't have this tears to cry
If not for my careless heart
If not for my careless heart
If not for my careless heart
You'd still be loving me
You'd be loving me
You'd still be mine |
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