

Death - Pull The Plug Death - Pull The Plug | |
Tuning:D, tune every string down one step
. - palm mute ph - pinched harmonic
/ - slide up to ah - artificial harmonic
- slide down to th - tap harmonic
~ - vibrato hr - natural harmonic
h - hammer on b - bend
p - pull off Suffixes for bend
t - tap with finger f - full bend h - half bend
repeat measure r - release t - tap bend
X - percussion mute p - pick when bent
> - accented note Prefixes
() - ghost note, sustained note p - pre-bend w - use bar
* - see comment d - don't pick start of bend
Riff A (end of Riff A)
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Play Riff A a total of four times
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Riff B | 1,3 | 2 | 4
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Riff C | 1,3 | 2,4
. .... . .... . ....
|--------------------------------| Play This Riff 6 times
thanks to Baston for fixing this riff
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Play the above Riff four times, but on the 8th measure add an octave harmony
until the riff ends, plus on the fourth time only play the 1st 3 measures.
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Riff D(play twice) Riff E | 1,3 | 2,4
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Play Riff D 4 times
Play Riff E
Riff F
continuation of above Riff
|--------------------------| Play Riff F a total of four times
........................ ___________ __________
| 1,3 | 2,4
................................................ . . . . . .
Play Riff A four times
Play Riff B
Play Riff C
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