1.EmiA man decides after Gseventy years that what he Agoes ther for,
is to unlock the door.
EmiWhile those around him Gcriticize and sleep.A
EmiAnd through a fractal on a Gbreaking wall I see Ayou my friend,
and touch your face again.
EmiMiracles will happen as we Gdream.A
R:CBut we're never gonna survGive,unleDss,we get aAlitle,crazyA,H,C
CNo we're never gonna survGive, unleDss, we get a Alittle, crazy
2.EmiAll the people walkingGtrough my head one of them'sAgot a gun to
shoot the other one,
EmiAnd together they were Gfriends at school.A
EmiBut of four were there whenGwe first took the pill
they'llAbe back, be back, be back, be back...
EmiMiracles will happen Gas we sleepA
R:CBut we're never gonna survGive,unleDss,we get aAlitle,crazyA,H,C
CNo we're never gonna survGive, unleDss, we get a Alittle, crazy
Emi, G, A
R:CBut we're never gonna survGive,unleDss,we get aAlitle,crazyA, A,H,C
CNo we're never gonna survGive, unleDss, we get a Alittle, crazy
Emi, G, A
Emi, G, A
Emi, G, A
Emi, G, A