Shakespears Sister - Hello Shakespears Sister - Hello | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
A Woke up this morning and the Bstreets were full of cars,
D all bright and shiny like they'd Ajust arrived from mars,
A And as I stumbled through last Bnights drunken debris,
D the paperboy screamed out the Aheadlines in the street,
Emi Another war, and now the Dpound is looking weak, Cand tell me, do
you read abBmiout the latest freak ?
Emi We're bingo numbers and our Dnames are obsolete, Cwhy do I feel
bitter, when I Bshould be feeling sweet ?
®:HelElo , hello, C#miturn your radio G#mion, A is there Eanybody out
there, C#mihelp me sing my G#misong A
HelElo , hello, C#miturn your radio G#mion, A is there Eanybody out
there, C#mitell me what went G#miwrong A
la la la F#milove is a strange G#mithing and Ajust when you think you've
learBned how to use it it's Egone.
A Woke up this morning and my Bhead was in a daze,
D a brave new world has dawned uApon the human race
A Where words are meaningless and Beverything's surreal,
Dgonna have to reach my friends to Atell 'em how I feel
Emi And if I taste the honey - Dis it really sweet ? C And do I eat
it with my Bmihands or with my feet ?
Emi Does anybody really Dlisten when I speak ? C Or will I have to
say it Ball again next week ?
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