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Black Veil Brides: AUDIO: Black Veil Brides a Ville Valo se sešli u povedeného coveru 'Temple of Love' od Sisters of Mercy - Sisters of Mercy je kapela, která proslula (nejen mezi goths) skladbou "Temple of Love".... - musicserver.cz | 

Sisters Of Mercy: FOTOGALERIE: The Sisters of Mercy v Lucerna Music Baru hráli s diváky na schovávanou - Ten, kdo ve čtvrtek navštívil Lucerna Music Bar a koncert The Sisters of Mercy, mohl, ... - musicserver.cz | 

Black Veil Brides: BLACK VEIL BRIDES a Ville Valo se společně chopili coveru klasiky od SISTERS OF MERCY - Američtí rockeři se spojili s bývalým hlasem HIM, který nyní vystupuje pod hlavič... - spark | 

Celine Dion: Zemřel Jim Steinman, muž, který stvořil zpěváka Meat Loafa - "I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" Meat Loafa, "Total Eclipse of the Heart"... - musicserver.cz | 

Sisters Of Mercy: THE SISTERS OF MERCY, LOSERS - Praha, Divadlo Archa - 17. května 2014 - metalopolis.net | 

Sisters Of Mercy: Milosrdní The Sisters of Mercy léčili uši | 

Sisters Of Mercy: Matný odlesk Milosrdných sester - novinky.cz | 

Sisters Of Mercy: Temní rockeři The Sisters of Mercy dorazí popáté do Česka - IREPORT | 

Kreator: Novinky ze Sonisphere: Sisters of Mercy, Kreator, Loaded, soutěž kapel a levnější lístky - muzikus.cz | 

Kreator: Na Sonisphere míří i The Sisters of Mercy, Kreator a Duff McKagan - ceskenoviny.cz | 

Sisters Of Mercy - Dominion/Mother Russia Sisters Of Mercy - Dominion/Mother Russia | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Ami C D
In the heat of the niAmight C D In the heat of the Amiday C
When I close my Amieyes When I look your Cway When I meet the Dfear
that lies inside
When I hear you Amisay C In the heat of the Dmoment Say, say, say
®: A11, Ami Some day, A11, Ami some day, A11, D
some day, D -Dominion AmiCome a Ctime D
A11, Ami Some day, A11, Ami some day, A11, D
some day, D -Dominion AmiSome say Cprayers
Some say prDayers I say Amimine C D
In the light of the fAmiact On the Clone and level DSand stretch far
In the heat of the Amiaction In the Csettled dust D Hold hold and
In the meeting of Amimined Down in the C streets of shame In the
Dbetting of names on Dgold to rust Ami
In the land of the blCind Be... D King, king, king, king
We Amiserve an old moan in a Cdry season, A Dlighthouse keeper in the
desert sun
AmiDreamers of sleepers and Cwhite treason, DWe dream of rain and the
history of the gun
There's a Amilighthouse in the Cmiddle of Russia D A white house in a
red square
I'm Amiliving in films for the Csake of Russia D A Kino Runner for the
And the Amififty-two daughters of the Crevolution D Turn the gold to
AmiGift...Cnothing to lose, DStuck inside of Memphis with the mobile
home, sing:
A11, Ami Mother Russia A11, Ami Mother Russia
A11, D Mother Russia rain down down down
A11, Ami Mother Russia A11, Ami Mother Russia
A11, D Mother Russia rain down down down
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