®: EmiTouch meC, Ghow can it beD - EmiBelieve mCe, the Gsun always
shines Don t.v.
EmiHold meC, Gclose to your heDart - EmiTouch meC and Ggive all
your loDve to meEmi - to me
EmiI reached insGide myself and Amifound nothing Dthere to ease the
EmiPressure of my Cever worrying Amimind - Oh Doh
EmiAll my Gpowers waste awAmiay, I fear the Dcrazed and lonely
EmiLooks the mirror's Csending me these daAmiys - Oh Doh
EmiPlease don't Gask me to defAmiend the shameful Dlowlands of the
EmiWay I'm driftingC gloomily through tAmiime - Oh Doh
EmiI reached insiGde myself todAmiay thinking there's Dgot to be some
EmiWay to keep my Ctroubles distAmiant. D