

U2 - Starting At The Sun U2 - Starting At The Sun | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
AmiSummer stretching Gon the grass,F summer dresses paEmiss
Amiin the shade of a Gwillow tree, Fcreeps a crawling Emiover me
Amiover me and Gover you, Fstuck together Emiwith God's glue
it's Amigoing to get Gstickier too
it's been a Flong hot summer
let's get Gundercover
don't Ftry too hard to think, don't think at Gall
I'm not the only Cone, starin' at the Amisun
afraid of what you'd Dfind if you took a look inFside
not just deaf and Cdumb I'm staring at the Amisun
not the only Done who's happy to go Fblind
AmiThere's an insect Gin your ear,
Fif you scratch it Emiwon't disappear
Amiit's gonna itch and Gburn and sting,
do you Fwant to see what the Emiscratching brings
Amiwaves that leave me Gout of reach,
Fbreaking on your Emiback like a beach
will we Amiever live in Gpeace?
'cause Fthose that can't do, Goften have to
those Fthat can't do
Goften have to preach
To the Cones, staring at the Amisun
afraid of what you'd Dfind if you took a look inFside
not just deaf and Cdumb, staring at the Amisun
I'm not the only Done who'd rather go Fblind
AmiIntransigence is Gall around, Fmilitary Emistill in town
Amiarmor plated Gsuits and ties, Fdaddy just won't Emisay goodbye
Amireferee won't Gblow the whistle, FGod is good but Emiwill he listen
I'm Aminearly great, but there's Gsomething I'm missing
FI left in - the Gduty free though
you Fnever really - belonged to Gme.
You're not the only Cone, starin' at the Amisun
afraid of what you'd Dfind if you stepped back inFside
I'm not sucking my Cthumb, I'm staring at the Amisun
not the only Done who's happy to go Fblind. Ami
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