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Nickelback: NICKELBACK připomínají své poslední album novým klipem - NICKELBACK na horizontu! Kanadští rockeři zveřejnili nový videoklip ke skladbě „H... - spark | 

Nickelback: NICKELBACK, LOTTERY WINNERS – 6. 6. 2024, Praha, O2 arena - Kanadští rockeři NICKELBACK se po osmi letech vrátili do pražské O2 areny, aby div... - spark | 

Nickelback: FOTOGALERIE: Nickelback zaplavili O2 arenu přívalem hitů - Po osmi letech se do pražské O2 areny vrátila kanadská rocková skupina Nickeback. Hu... - musicserver.cz | 

Nickelback: NAžIVO: Nickelback v Praze odehráli úplně jiný koncert než posledně - Kanadská rocková skupina Nickelback se po osmi letech vrátila do pražské O2 areny. P... - musicserver.cz | 

Nickelback: LIVE: Nickelback v Česku vsadili na jistotu, sázeli hit za hitem - Nickelback se po osmi letech vrátili do Prahy, aby českým fanouškům představili nov... - IREPORT | 

Ac/dc: Veľký kalendár koncertov 2024: Priprav sa na tieto veľké mená, ktoré uvidíš na Slovensku? - #Tento rok sa môžeš tešiť na širokú škálu koncertných turné naprieč Európou.... - Hashtag.sk | 

Cirque Du Soleil: Ed Sheeran přidává druhý koncert. Přijedou rovněž Nickelback, Jacob Collier, Troye Sivan, Cirque du Soleil i Jimmy Carr - Kulturní kalendář na rok 2024 se utěšeně plní, tipy na vánoční dárky v podob... - novinky.cz | 

Nickelback: Nickelback přijedou v červnu do Prahy - Cenami ověnčená rocková kapela Nickelback oznámila evropské koncerty v rámci Get R... - musicserver.cz | 

Nickelback: Oblíbení i nenávidění. Do Česka se vrátí kanadští rockeři Nickelback - Kritizoval je bubeník dua Black Keys, čtenáři časopisu Rolling Stone je označili za... - aktualne.cz | 

Nickelback: Podívejte se na trailer k dokumentu 'Hate to Love: Nickelback' - Kanadská čtveřice Nickelback patří mezi nejslavnější rockové kapely, spolu se sl... - musicserver.cz | 

Nickelback - Song On Fire Nickelback - Song On Fire | | The first words that come out
And I can see this song will be about you
I can't believe that I can breathe without you
But all I need to do is carry on
The next line I write down
And there's a tear that falls between the pages
I know that pain's supposed to heal in stages
But it depends which one I'm standing on
I write lines down, then rip them up
Describing love can't be this tough
I could set this song on fire, send it up in smoke
I could throw it in the river and watch it sink in slowly
Tie the pages to a plane and send it to the moon
Play it for the world, but it won't mean much
Unless I sing this song to you
I'm dying to show you
This could end happily ever after
There doesn't ever have to be disaster
And all you have to do is sing along
I write lines down, then rip them up
Impossible describing love
I could set this song on fire, send it up in smoke
I could throw it in the river and watch it sink in slowly
Tie the pages to a plane and send it to the moon
Play it for the world, but it won't mean much
Unless I sing this song to you
I could set this song on fire
Sing this song to you
I could set this song on fire
Light this old guitar on fire, I'd still hear the notes
Drown the melody in water, I'd still hear its ghost
Sing it with somebody else, but we'd be out of tune
Play it for the world, but it won't mean much
I could set this song on fire, send it up in smoke
I could throw it in the river and watch it sink in slowly
Tie the pages to a plane and send it to the moon
Play it for the world, but it won't mean much
Unless I sing this song to you
I could set this song on fire
Unless I sing this song to you
I could set this, I could set this
I want to sing this song to you
I could set this song on fire
Sing this song to you
I could set this, I could set this |
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