David Bowie - Heroes David Bowie - Heroes | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
GI, I will be Cking - And you,G you will be qCueen
Though Fnothing will drive them Gaway - We can Fbeat themC just for
one Gday
We can be FHeroes C just for one Gday
GAnd you, you can be Cmean - And IG, I'll drink all thCe time
'Cause we're Glovers and that is a fCact - Yes we're Glovers and that is
Though Fnothing will keep us toGgether - We could steal Ftime just for
one Gday
We can be FHeroesC for ever and Gever - What do you say?
GI, I wish you couldC swim - Like the Gdolphins, like dolphins can
Though Fnothing will keep us togeGther - We can Fbeat them for ever and
Geverwe can be FHeroesC just for one Gday
GI, I can remCember - GStanding by theC wall
And the gGuards shot above ouCr heads - And we kGissed as though nothing
could Cfall
And theF Seine was on the otherG side - Oh we can Fbeat them forever and
Then we can be FHeroes Cjust for one day G - Oh we can be Fheroes
Cjust for one Gday
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