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!!!: 60 albumov roka 2024 podľa redakcie Hudba.sk - S pribúdajúcimi redaktormi, ktorí sa do nášho tradičného výberu zapájajú, je č... - zoznam.sk | 

Jon Anderson: RECENZE: Albovou novinkou True hází Jon Anderson rukavici bývalým kolegům z Yes - Jon Anderson, ikonický hlas stojící za progresivními rockovými pionýry Yes, o sobě... - musicserver.cz | 

Ariana Grande: Novinka Evropa 2 Music Chart: ARIANA GRANDE – Yes, And? - Představujeme novinku č. 2 v hitparádě!
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Mariah Carey: Ariana Grande vydala remix hitu Yes, and? Spolupracovala na ňom s Mariah Carey - Mladá speváčka Ariana Grande si splnila sen. Dnes vychádza spolupráca s jej hudobnou... - zoznam.sk | 

Eternal: Ariana Grande ohlásila nový album. Eternal Sunshine vyjde už o dva mesiace - Týždeň po zverejnení nového singla Yes, And? oznámila Ariana Grande dátum vydania ... - zoznam.sk | 

Ariana Grande: Ariana Grande vniesla svoj obdiv k Madonne do nového singla Yes, and? - Fanúšikovia Ariany Grande netrpezlivo čakajú na speváčkin siedmy štúdiový album.... - zoznam.sk | 

Deaf Heart: Deaf Heart vypouští druhý singl k filmu, který neexistuje - Kapela Deaf Heart vydala nový singl 20 YRS., který svým vizuálním ztvárněním pod ... - rockandpop.cz | 

Oceán: AUDIO: Lana Del Rey překvapila fanoušky předělanou verzí nevydané skladby 'Say Yes to Heaven' - Lana Del Rey nedávno do světa vypustila svou devátou řadovku "Did You Know That There... - musicserver.cz | 

Brandy: Nové desky 20/2023 - od Paula Simona přes Keshu po Lewise Capaldiho - Druhá půlka května přinese dlouho očekávanou novinku Dave Matthews Bandu a dále na... - musicserver.cz | 

Lewis Capaldi: Nová alba: Lewis Capaldi, Def Leppard s filharmonií, Dave Matthews Band, Kesha, Yes a další - V minulých dnech vyšla alba, na kterých se připomněli velikáni. Britští Def Leppa... - novinky.cz | 

Yes - Turn Of The Century Yes - Turn Of The Century | | Realising a form out of stone.
Set hands moving.
Roan shaped his heart
thru his working hands.
Work to mold his passion into clay, like the sun.
In his room, his lady
she would dance and sing so completely.
So be still he now cries
I have time, oh let clay transform thee so.
In the deep cold of night
winter calls, he cries ";Don't deny me!";
For his lady, deep her illness.
Time has caught her
and will for all reasons take her.
In the still light of dawn, she dies.
Helpless hands soul revealing.
Like leaves we touch we learn.
We once knew the story.
As winter calls he will starve.
All but to see the stone be life
Now Roan, no more tears.
Set to work his strength.
So transformed him
realising a form out of stone. His work
so absorbed him.
Could she hear him?
Could she see him?
All aglow was his room dazed in this light.
He would touch her
he would hold her.
Laughing as they danced.
Highest colors touching others.
Did her eyes at the turn of the century
tell me plainly
when we meet, how we'll love, oh let life so transform me.
Like leaves we touched we danced.
We once knew the story.
As autumn called and we both
remembered all those many years ago.
I'm sure we know.
Was the sign with a touch
As I kiss your fingers.
We walk hands in the sun.
Memories when we're young.
Love lingers so.
Was it sun through the haze
that made all your looks
as warm as moonlight?
As a pearl deep in your eyes,
tears have flown away,
all the same light.
Did her eyes at the turn of the century
tell me plainly
when we meet how we'll look
as we smile time will leave me clearly.
Like leaves we touch, we see.
We will know the story.
As autumn calls we'll both remember
all those many years ago. |
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