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Black Veil Brides: AUDIO: Black Veil Brides a Ville Valo se sešli u povedeného coveru 'Temple of Love' od Sisters of Mercy - Sisters of Mercy je kapela, která proslula (nejen mezi goths) skladbou "Temple of Love".... - musicserver.cz | 

Airbourne: NAžIVO: Třetí den Basinfire Festu Ville Valo mámil při západu slunce, Airbourne zaútočili silou leteckého náletu - Letošní Basinfirefest se překlopil do své druhé poloviny a vnější okolnosti ukáz... - musicserver.cz | 

Black Veil Brides: BLACK VEIL BRIDES a Ville Valo se společně chopili coveru klasiky od SISTERS OF MERCY - Američtí rockeři se spojili s bývalým hlasem HIM, který nyní vystupuje pod hlavič... - spark | 

Airbourne: Basinfire 2023: TANKARD po boku PESTILENCE, PARADISE LOST nebo AIRBOURNE oslaví 40. výročí od vzniku - Headlinery sobotního dne Basinfirefestu je sice VILLE VALO a AIRBOURNE, ale sestava čí... - spark | 

Airbourne: Basinfire 2023: Headlinerem neděle je Peter Tägtren s PAIN - Letošní Basinfire je hvězdami nabit. V čele jsou GHOST, frontman HIM VILLE VALO, AIRB... - spark | 

Airbourne: Basinfire 2023: Rozpis kapel po dnech - GHOST ve čtvrtek, VILLE VALO a AIRBOURNE v sobotu - Letošních headlinerů BASINFIREFESTu je několik. Rozlehlá louka obklopená lesy 20 km... - spark | 

Airbourne: Mezi poslední kapely Basinfirefestu patří HEIDEVOLK, HÄMATOM nebo REDZED - Do Basinfirefestu zbývá něco přes dva měsíce, takže nastal čas jeho sestavu uzav... - spark | 

Him: Basinfire 2023: Headlinerem sobotního dne je VILLE VALO - Letošní Basinfire je nabit hvězdami v čele s Papa Emeritusem a jeho GHOST. Vrcholem s... - spark | 

Him: NAžIVO: Ville Valo přivezl do Prahy to nejlepší z HIM - Pokud jste před rozpadem populárních finských rockerů HIM nestihli jejich živou sho... - musicserver.cz | 

KAELAN MIKLA: VILLE VALO, KAELAN MIKLA - 16. 2. 2023, Praha, Lucerna Music Bar - Heartagram osvítil pražský Lucerna Music Bar. Ville Valo přivezl svůj sólový debut... - spark | 

Ville Valo - Something Diabolical (Bloodhoung Gang) Ville Valo - Something Diabolical (Bloodhoung Gang) |  tlač |
 edituj | |  oakorduj | Rok vzniku: 2005 Poznámka: Album Hefty Fine
Pesničku videlo 4030 návštevníkov.
Kvalita textu : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | *** Autor textu: Bloodhound Gang f. Ville Valo *** Autor hudby: Bloodhound Gang | Eventide rise for ritual
With the thrill of a kill vengefully the engine will
Roar forth steer the dead leave forced
Driven by fear shift gears veer towards
The foolishly equipped swift these
Failed bids breathed taillights from the crypt
Reflect upon the way beyond redemption
Let the necronometer beckon for the destined
Blessed when first lent sin then condemned to bear the burden
Of this curse the consequence of which can never be averted
Each tormented attempt that is made in vain
To evade this debt which is certain to be paid
Without question is met with a counterclocked surge
In reverse as if backmasked words of the black mass were
All heard by a clutch engaged
Over trails blazed to the western gates
Heaven may be on empty yet the devil rides
Heaven may be on empty yet the devil rides
Heaven may be on empty yet the devil rides
Hell burns by angel turns her pillow to the cooler side
Something diabolical
Idle hands are bound for the
Damned once sam went down to georgia
Speed was forged of the divine salt
Mined from the vaults of flame by the lost
Named as those sought as faults rests beneath
The wrong that was spawned from the tired screech
Of essence halted engulfed in the scent of exhaustion
A false witness with the sensed end is brought
To bended knees when abandoned belief in
The mephistophelian plea for wicked unleashed sends
Heed to reap grim an infernally decreed
Reposession vested in the fallen creed called on to retrieve
Meed with the fueled intention of deprived intervention
The thundered calm that comes from the rattle of descension
Numbs the panicked from a havoc that reeks of oil
Barreling down this mortal coil
Heaven may be on empty yet the devil rides
Heaven may be on empty yet the devil rides
Heaven may be on empty yet the devil rides
Hell burns by angel turns her pillow to the cooler side
Something diabolical
Tonight belongs to him
Tonight belongs to him
Tonight belongs to him
Tonight belongs to him
To him
To him
To him |
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