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Aqua: Koncerty v roku 2025: Vráti sa Lara Fabian, príde aj skupina Aqua. K českým susedom zavíta Dua Lipa či Tate McRae -
... - aktuality.sk | 

Aqua: Aqua vyráží na 'Barbie World Tour' - Aqua chystá plnohodnotný návrat na pódia. Dánsko-norská eurodancová skupina se roz... - musicserver.cz | 

Aqua: NAžIVO: 'Barbie Girl' a 'Coco Jamboo'. Festival 90s Explosion byl přehlídkou hudebních obskurností - Aqua, Twenty 4 Seven, Eiffel 65, Five, East 17, No Mercy, 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor, Do... - musicserver.cz | 

Aqua: FOTOGALERIE: Pražský open-air festival 90s Explosion v obrazech - Na pražském Výstavišti se v sobotní podvečer konal festival 90s Explosion. Vystoupi... - musicserver.cz | 

AIKO: Princezna českého dancehallu EllyZ vyráží 'V životní formě' na turné - EllyZ je jednou ze zpěvaček, které vyslala na sólovou dráhu účast v projektu Aqua ... - musicserver.cz | 

Aqua: 90's Explosion oldies festival doveze do Prahy skupiny Aqua, East 17, Eiffel 65 nebo Dr. Albana - V sobotu 20. května 2023 se na pražském Výstavišti milovníci devadesátkového popu... - musicserver.cz | 

Aqua: Vo filme Barbie nebude slávny banger od dánskej kapely Aqua. Mattel sa s nimi chcel v minulosti súdiť - Come on Barbie, let’s go party! Slová známej pesničky od kapely Aqua v novom filme n... - Refresher.sk | 

10cc: Nové desky 50/2020 - od Paula McCartneyho přes Eminema po Armina Van Buurena - Nové desky 50/2020 - od Paula McCartneyho přes Eminema po Armina Van Buurena
Vydáno: ... - musicserver.cz | 

Aqua: Svet ju pozná ako Barbie Girl: Speváčka vyzerá aj po rokoch FANTASTIC! - bleskovky.sk | 

Aqua: Aj plast starne: TAKTO dnes vyzerá svetoznáma Barbie Girl z pesničky od Aqua - slovakwoman.sk | 

Aqua - An Apple A Day Aqua - An Apple A Day | | You know an apple a day
Won't keep the doctor away
Welcome to the cliches
welcome to the part
Where we wanna finish
What we can't start
Come and get me
Just don't miss the water
Until the well is dry
You got to learn walking
After you can fly
Come and get me
What goes in, will get out
What goes up, comes right down
We go up, we go up, we go up
You know an apple a day
Won't keep the doctor away
Were never taught what we teach
And won't practice what we preach
You know an apple a day
Won't keep my troubles away
Once bitten bye, bye
All the cliches is here to die
Just eat all the people
On your way up
Cause they will eat your heart out
On your way down
Come and get me
Start what you can't finish
Stick to what you can't
Life is here to help us
Get things out of hand
Come and get us
What goes in, will get out
What goes up, comes right down
We go up, we go up, we go up
You know an apple a day
Won't keep the doctor away
Were never taught what we teach
And won't practice what we preach
You know an apple a day
Won't keep my troubles away
Once bitten bye, bye
All the cliches is here to die
Cause you are what you're eating
Don't stick to what's true
You are what you're eating
Let it come as it came
We are what we are
What's build up will fall
Do what you want and be happy, be happy, be happy
You know an apple a day
Won't keep the doctor away
Were never taught what we teach
And won't practice what we preach
You know an apple a day
Won't keep my troubles away
Once bitten bye, bye
All the cliches is here to die
Cause you are what you're eating
Don't stick to what's true
You are what you're eating
Let it come as it came
We are what we are
What's build up will fall
Do what you want and be happy
| |