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Dark: RECENZE: Česká koncertní premiéra OMD nezklamala, ale ani nenadchla - Tuzemští fandové britského syntezátorového popu si konečně mohli odškrtnout jede... - idnes.cz | 

Bauhaus: Náš utajený koncert v Československu? Nesmysl, říká Andy McCluskey z kapely OMD - Britská synth-popová kapela Orchestral Manouvres In The Dark (zkráceně OMD) funguje u... - idnes.cz | 

Doro: Nová alba: Duran Duran, Doro, OMD, Taylor Swiftová, Sebastian i James Blunt - Britští Duran Duran se na své novince nechali inspirovat hudbou, která frčela před ... - novinky.cz | 

James Blunt: Nové desky 43/2023 - od Duran Duran přes Annu K. po Taylor Swift - V tomto týdnu tu máme nebývalý příval domácích hudebníků v čele s Annou K., Š... - musicserver.cz | 

Dark: RECENZE: OMD na albu 'Bauhaus Staircase' obracejí pohled do naší budoucnosti - Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark si od svého návratu v roce 2006 pevně drží laťku ... - musicserver.cz | 

Dark: VIDEO: OMD se v písni 'Veruschka' melancholicky ohlížejí za svými vztahy - "Veruschka" je již třetí návnadou na chystanou čtrnáctou desku Orchestral Manoeuvre... - musicserver.cz | 

Dark: Britští synthpopoví klasici OMD představí v Praze nové album - Britské duo Orchestral Manouvres in the Dark, zkráceně OMD, patří ke klasikům synte... - idnes.cz | 

Dark: Synťákoví vizionáři Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD) uvedou v Praze nové album - Jejich skladba "Enola Gay" patří mezi nejikoničtější písničky osmdesátých let, ... - musicserver.cz | 

Omd: OMD připomenou výročí desky 'Architecture & Morality' singlovým boxem - Dne 6. listopadu to bude rovných čtyřicet let, co vyšla nahrávka "Architecture & Mor... - musicserver.cz | 

AIKO: Nové desky 18/2020 - od Marka Lanegana přes Butche Walkera po Hayley Williams - Vydáno: 13.05.2020 05:35 v sekci Nové desky - Tomáš Parkan a Petra Hubáčková | fot... - musicserver.cz | 

Omd - Goddess Of Love Omd - Goddess Of Love | | (She's okay)
(She's okay)
(She's okay)
(She's okay)
Goddess of love
Goddess of love
She never slows down
And she can't get enough
The Goddess of love
The Goddess of love
She's holding her heart to the stars above
She can't afford dreams
And her clothes are old
She can't afford hope
Wouldn't be so bold
But she's holding his heart
And she won't let go again
She's a femme fatale
Well that's what they say
But she knows he couldn't love her
Any other way
Cause she's holding him now
And she won't let go again
Yes, she's holding him now
And she won't let go again
Goddess of love
Goddess of love
She never slows down
And she can't get enough
The Goddess of love
The Goddess of love
She's holding her heart to the stars above
She never slows down
And she doesn't play straight
Just cruising around in her own sweet way
But she's taking her time
And he's gonna get fooled again
She learned about life
Til she wished shew were dead
So she treats that guy like a hole in the head
Can you see him now
He'll never get lucky again
Goddess of love
Goddess of love
She never slows down
And she can't get enough
The Goddess of love
The Goddess of love
She's holding her heart to the stars above
The Goddess of love
The Goddess of love
The Goddess of love
The Goddess of love
The Goddess of love
The Goddess of love
Heart and soul
She's the Goddess of love as she covers the gorund
She looks just great and she never slows down
And she's holding his heart and she won't let go again
Yes, she's holding his heart and she won't let go again
Oh, she's holding his heart and she won't let go again
Yes, she's holding his heart and she won't let go again
Oh, she's holding his heart and she won't let go again
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