Pet Shop Boys

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Pet Shop Boys

Fanúšikov: 1


Pet Shop Boys - The Sound Of The Atom Splitting
Pet Shop Boys - The Sound Of The Atom Splitting



Pesničku videlo 1040 návštevníkov.

Kvalita textu : bez hodnotenia
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I hate you
I hate you
Nothing will ever be the same
Oh really
Don't be silly
I told you it was all a game
Whenever I see you or your work
It makes me feel like spitting
What's that noise?
Oh that
We've been expecting it for ages
It's the sound of the atom splitting

He's a villain,
Him over there
With a stocking on his head
Look, there's another one
They call themselves pinheads
What's that noise over there?
Is it the corrogated iron they're hitting?
No, no, it's perfectly normal
It's just the sound of the atom splitting

Whose side are you on anyway?
Is that some kind of threat?
Well, I suppose it will have to do
As long as you don't make too much mess
And would the last person to leave
- Once you all finish kissing -
Turn the video on to record
You never know what you're missing
Bread and circuses
And maybe later
The sound of the atom splitting

Quiet at the back, please!
No whistling
It's the sound
The sound
The sound of the atom splitting

I hate you
I hate you
Quiet at the back, please!
No whistling

It's the sound
The sound
The sound of the atom splitting

It's the sound
The sound
The sound of the atom splitting

Oh really
Don't be silly
I told you it was all a game

It's the sound
What's that noise?
Quiet at the back, please!

I hate you
I hate you
Nothing will ever be the same
Oh really
Don't be silly
I told you it was all a game
Whenever I see you or your work
It makes me feel like spitting
What's that noise?
Oh that
We've been expecting it for ages
It's the sound of the atom splitting

He's a villain,
Him over there
With a stocking on his head
Look, there's another one
They call themselves pinheads
What's that noise over there?
Is it the corrogated iron they're hitting?
No, no, it's perfectly normal
It's just the sound of the atom splitting

Whose side are you on anyway?
Is that some kind of threat?
Well, I suppose it will have to do
As long as you don't make too much mess
And would the last person to leave
- Once you all finish kissing -
Turn the video on to record
You never know what you're missing
Bread and circuses
And maybe later
The sound of the atom splitting

Quiet at the back, please!
No whistling
It's the sound
The sound
The sound of the atom splitting

I hate you
I hate you
Quiet at the back, please!
No whistling

It's the sound
The sound
The sound of the atom splitting

It's the sound
The sound
The sound of the atom splitting

Oh really
Don't be silly
I told you it was all a game

It's the sound
What's that noise?
Quiet at the back, please!

Tvoje obľúbené položky
Tvoje obľúbené položky
Najnovšie videá
Najnovšie videá

Tvoje obľúbené piesne
Tvoje obľúbené piesne
Najnavštevovanejšie piesne
Najnavštevovanejšie piesne
Love Comes Quickly - preklad

It's a sin - akordy a text

Suburbia - text

One In A Million - preklad

A Different Point Of View - preklad

New York City Boy - text

King\'s Cross - text

Shopping - text

Decadence - preklad

Your Funny Uncle - preklad

In The Night - preklad

Postscript - preklad

Do I Have To? - text

Confidential - preklad

Somewhere - preklad

To Step Aside - preklad

It Doesn\'t Often Snow At Christmas - text

Go west - akordy a text

Always On My Mind - preklad

It´s a sin - preklad


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