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AIKO: FOTOGALERIE: To nejlepší přivezly první den na Metronome divoký holky. Vystoupila Aurora, Aiko, Tolstoys i Biig Piig. A taky Jamiroquai - Od rána všichni hrozili tornádem a slejváky téměř v celém Česku, ale nic velkéh... - musicserver.cz | 

Jamiroquai: NAžIVO: 'Ten mrak se blížil.' Jamiroquai ale neublížil! - Jak jinak nez parafrází dnes už legendární hlášky automobilového závodníka a ko... - musicserver.cz | 

Jamiroquai: Funky, metal i Aleš Zbořil. Začíná letní festivalová sezona - Letošní hudební festivalovou sezonu ozdobí jména jako Muse, Slipknot nebo Jamiroquai... - idnes.cz | 

Editors: Francouzská zpěvačka Zaz, další hvězda festivalu Metronome Prague - Francouzská zpěvačka a skladatelka Zaz bude dalším hudebním hostem, na kterého se... - novinky.cz | 

Jamiroquai: Jamiroquai roztančí Metronome Prague 2023 - Světová megastar Jamiroquai přijíždí do Prahy, aby na Metronome Prague, kterým ož... - musicserver.cz | 

Jamiroquai: Na festivalu Metronome oslaví třicáté narozeniny kapela Jamiroquai - Ve dnech 22.–25. června 2023 se bude a pražském Výstavišti konat další ročník ... - idnes.cz | 

Canned Heat: Taneční hudba z 90. let. Na festival Metronome přijede kapela Jamiroquai - Uvede hity na pomezí dance music, popu a funku jako Canned Heat, Cosmic Girl nebo Virtua... - aktualne.cz | 

Jamiroquai: Jamiroquai strhli O2 arenu vlnou funku, Jay Kay s indiánskou čelenkou na hlavě roztančil celou halu - ireport.cz | 

Jamiroquai: Jamiroquai mají stále co nabídnout - novinky.cz | 

Jamiroquai: Recenze: Na Jamiroquai se v Praze skvěle tančilo, zpěvákovi na hlavě svítil luskoun - aktualne.cz | 

Jamiroquai - "slipin' N' Slidin'" Jamiroquai - "slipin' N' Slidin'" | | "Slipin' N' Slidin'"
You know I'm Slidin'.
You know I'm Slipin' N' Slidin'.
I'm sliding down the wall.
Trying to get a grip on what I can.
As the world beneath me crumbles.
See, I thought I had it all.
Now I find I'm 10 feet small.
And I never cease to stumble.
You can think you'll live forever.
You Dance till you drop.
And The Music don't stop.
Cos you know you want to be cool. Yeah!
Sliding down the wall.
Don't do me it all.
No it don't do me at all...When I can be so small
We've got all the funk we need to make me happy
Oooh Yeah.
We've got all the time the world has got to give.
Oh how I want to live yeah.
We're Sliding, Sliding
I'm hanging on a string.
Trying to get the chance to do my thing.
But the stakes are getting higher
Now that my woman's gone away.
She can my love a day.
Hey, Well I guess I'm not as cool as I used to be
Oh, everybody wants to take your space.
and some people want to take your place.
And now all these problems come to try ya
You know they just
And This is what they call 'The Crunch'.
But my head, my head's still 'Out For Lunch'
I've been sliding down the wall.
We've got all the funk we need to make me happy
Ooh Yeah.
We've got all the time the world has got to give.
Oh, How I want to live.
You can't fly above the slip and social slidin now.
Get Down now Get Down
I'll bet that's a great insult
don't you mean to die
But you wanna stay high
Don't you know I'm sliding? Sliding Down The Wall
Now Don't you know I'm sliding
Sliding Down The Wall
Does anyone want to be sliding
Yeah Nobody wants to slide now
I'm now Sliding
You know I never know where I am
Never know where I'm can
Alright, Alright
You know I'm sliding.
Sliding down the wall yeah
Everybody wants to take your space.
and some people want to take your place.
And now all these problems come to try ya
I guess this is what they call 'The Crunch'
Oh but my head's still out for lunch!
You know I'm sliding down the wall right now.
I know yes I'm sliding. I know that I'm sliding.
Oh. Sliding down the walls sliding down the,
Sliding down the wall
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