Louis Armstrong - La Vie En Rose Louis Armstrong - La Vie En Rose | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
CHold me Cmi7close and Cm7/6hold me Cmi7fast,
This Cmag - ic Cmi7spellCm7/6 you cCmi7ast,
ThisCm7/6 is La Cmi7Vie En Dmi7Rose. G7
DmiWhen you Dm7+kiss me, Heaven Dmi7sighs,
And Dm6though I close myDm6/G eyes,
I Dmi7see LaDm7/5- Vie En RosC, Ami, Dmi7, G7e.
CWhen you Cmi7press meCm7/6 to your hCmi7eart,
I'mC in a wCmi7orldCm7/6 a - Cmi7part,
A Cm7/6world where C7ro - ses blFoom;
A, world, where, ro, -, ses, bloom;
And Fmiwhen you sF#mi7peak, An - gels C9sing from abCove;
DmiEv' - ry day Dm7+words seem to Dmi7turn into lGove sG7ongs.
CGive yourCmi7 heart andCm7/6 soul toCmi7 me
And lCife will Cmi7al -Cm7/6 ways Dmi7be
First Time
G7La Dmi7Vie Fdimi En RCose. G#7, Dmi7, G7
Last Time
G7La Dmi7Vie Fdimi En RCose.
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