Filmová Hudba Zahraničná - Aquarius Filmová Hudba Zahraničná - Aquarius |
Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
When the moonG7 is in the sAmeventh house, andDm9 JupiteG7r aligns with
AmMars Then Dm9peaceG7, will guide theAm planets, anFd loG7ve will steer the stars;C
This is the dawning of theBb age of Aquarius
The age of AquarDmius, AG7quarius, ADmquarius
C7Harmony and understaFndingC7,
Sympathy and trust aboFunding
C7No more falsehood or derFisions,
GoldenDm livingEdim dreams of Fvisions,
Mystic crystalA7 revelDmation,
And the Dm7mind`s trueGmliberAmation
AGmquarius, ADmquarius
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