

Genesis - You Might Recall Genesis - You Might Recall | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
CmWhat was it you said Fmto me
Back in the Cmdays when things looked G7fine
'bout Cmhow we would be to - Fmgether
Until we lCmeft the earth be - G7hind
Oh, it's Cmfunny how things can Fmchange
Cos there was a Cmtime I thought I'd G7be the one
Who'd Cmeven start a - Fmgain
But Cmnow I stay for - G7ever
Ooh my Fhopes are as the leaves upon the Cwater G
Just sunk in the nighFt C G
And tFhough I know you Ccouldn't care, you Goughtta
Ah, the end of a FlifeC G
Or Ebmaybe when you're older, and you're Bbthinking Fback
You might re - Ebcall
Now did I act Bbcarefully, did I do Fright?
Or were we Ebmeant to be, Bball of our Flives
In love and Ebharmony, Bball of our Flives?
Bb So now, Ftake my handC
BbCome, hold me closely
As Fnear as you Ccan
Bb F C
Be - lieving all that we could be
And Bball that we have been
And Fall that we areC
Cm / / / | Bb / / / | Ab / Bb / | Cm / / / | Bb / / / | Ab / Bb / | Cm/ / / |
CmEveryday seems sum - Fmmertime
The Cmriver flow with G7wine
Ooh Cmwhen you were here with Fmme
I wish we'd Cmstayed that way for - G7ever
Ooh my Fhopes are as the leaves upon the Cwater G
Just sunk in the Fnight C G
And Fthough I know you couldn't care, you CoughttaG
Ah, the end of a Flife C G
Or mEbaybe when you're older, and you're Bbthinking Fback
You might re - Ebcall
Now did I act Bbcarefully, did I do Fright?
Or were we Ebmeant to be, Bball of our Flives
In love and Ebharmony, Bball of our Flives?
Bb So now, Ftake my Chand
BbCome, hold me closely
As Fnear as you Ccan
Be - Bblieving all that Fwe could beC
And Bball that we have been
And Fall that we areC
C / / / | / / / / | G / / / | D / / / |C / / / | / / / / | G / / / | D / / / |
Ooh my Fhopes are as the leaves upon the Cwater G
Just sunk in the Fnight C G
And Fthough I know you couldn't care, you CoughttaG
Ah, the end of a Flife C G
Or mEbaybe when you're older, and you're Bbthinking Fback
You might re - Ebcall
Now did I act Bbcarefully, did I do Fright?
Or were we Ebmeant to be, Bball of our Flives
In love and Ebharmony, Bball of our Flives?
Bb So now, Ftake my Chand
BbCome, hold me closely
As Fnear as you Ccan
Be - Bblieving all that Fwe could beC
And Bball that we have been
And Fall that we areC
C / / / | / / / / | G / / / | D / / / |C / / / | / / / / | G / / / | D / / / |
| |