Will Smith

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Will Smith:
Will Smith vydal po 20 rokoch album. Herec ide na prvé sólové turné,
neobíde ani viaceré európske mestá
- Na albume nájdeš mená ako Teyana Taylor, Jac Ross alebo Obanga.... - Refresher.sk

Will Smith:
Will Smith ohlásil album po 20-ročnej pauze. Pridáva k nemu aj svoje prvé
- Známy herec, ktorého sláva sa v hudbe zrodila, svoj posledný album, „Lost and Found... - Refresher.sk

Will Smith:
Will Smith vydá desku po dvaceti letech - Will Smith vydá své nové album po více než dvaceti letech. V žebříčcích chybí ... - rockandpop.cz

Will Smith:
Will Smith vydá album po dvaceti letech - Americký hudebník a herec Will Smith se vrací na hudební scénu. V březnu letošníh... - rockandpop.cz

Will Smith:
Will Smith vydá po 20 rokoch nový album. V novom singli sa spojil s Big Seanom - Je to tak. Will Smith sa vracia na hudobnú scénu. V marci vydá album Based on True Sto... - zoznam.sk

Will Smith:
Will Smith je zase späť v rape: Na novom bangri sa predstavil s Joynerom
- ... - Hashtag.sk

Will Smith:
Obludný skandál P. Diddyho bobtná: Will Smith u něj měl syna Jadena nutit k
- Jaden Smith údajně obvinil svého otce! Will Smith měl brát svého syna na večírky ... - extra.cz

Will Smith:
Will Smith: Mizerové jsou hlavně o síle přátelství - Výborný rapper a hlavně skvělý herec se dva roky po incidentu, kdy dal při předá... - novinky.cz

Bad Boys:
RECENZIA Bad Boys prichádzajú po štvrtýkrát: Will Smith tentoraz aj za
kamerou, toto mu vyšlo
- ... - Hashtag.sk

Bad Boys:
Will Smith práve hviezdi v nových Bad Boys: Akú má za sebou rapovú
- ... - Hashtag.sk


Will Smith

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Will Smith - Willow Is A Player
Will Smith - Willow Is A Player



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Willow is a player
She's got me goin' crazy (crazy)
She's got me wrapped around her finger
She's got me goin' out of my mind (playin' all the time)
Willow is a player
She's got me goin' crazy (crazy)
She's got me wrapped around her finger
She's got me goin' out of my mind (playin' all the time)

Everytime I see her can't help but to smile (smile smile)
And everytime I touch her (touch her) she make me feel like a child (feel like a child)
She got me locked up
Got me locked - locked up
I do just about anything (anything) to stay on her good side (uoh uoh)
And when she want something (something) from me she won't be denied
Can't even go shopping (shopping) without buying her a gift
Every eye tied to her as she steps out the crib (steps out the crib)
She keeps me up all night (night) on my knees as I pray (pray)
Cause I can't sleep till (sleep till) I know she's okay
She got me locked up
Got me locked - locked up

Willow is a player
She's got me goin' crazy (crazy)
She's got me wrapped around her finger
She's got me goin' out of my mind (playin' all the time)
Willow is a player
She's got me goin' crazy (crazy)
She's got me wrapped around her finger
She's got me goin' out of my mind (playin' all the time)

I saw another man hold her
Just a friendly hello
I know it was nothing (nothing) but he took to long to let go (i think you better let her go)
Let my girl (girl) - girl (girl) go (go)
I try to be tough though (so strong)
Sometimes she makes me so mad (so mad)
Her eyes like diamonds (diamonds) make me forget she's so bad (she's so bad)
She's my angel (angel)
This world she's not of
Sent from the upstairs (upstairs)
Taught me that new kind of love (love love love)
I can't tell y'all (don't understand) what she means in my life (the world to me)
What make it so crazy (crazy), I met her through my wife
She got me locked up
Got me locked - locked up

Willow is a player
She's got me goin' crazy (crazy)
She's got me wrapped around her finger
She's got me goin' out of my mind (playin' all the time)
Willow is a player
She's got me goin' crazy (crazy)
She's got me wrapped around her finger
She's got me goin' out of my mind (playin' all the time)

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