Will Smith

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Will Smith:
Will Smith vydal po 20 rokoch album. Herec ide na prvé sólové turné,
neobíde ani viaceré európske mestá
- Na albume nájdeš mená ako Teyana Taylor, Jac Ross alebo Obanga.... - Refresher.sk

Will Smith:
Will Smith ohlásil album po 20-ročnej pauze. Pridáva k nemu aj svoje prvé
- Známy herec, ktorého sláva sa v hudbe zrodila, svoj posledný album, „Lost and Found... - Refresher.sk

Will Smith:
Will Smith vydá desku po dvaceti letech - Will Smith vydá své nové album po více než dvaceti letech. V žebříčcích chybí ... - rockandpop.cz

Will Smith:
Will Smith vydá album po dvaceti letech - Americký hudebník a herec Will Smith se vrací na hudební scénu. V březnu letošníh... - rockandpop.cz

Will Smith:
Will Smith vydá po 20 rokoch nový album. V novom singli sa spojil s Big Seanom - Je to tak. Will Smith sa vracia na hudobnú scénu. V marci vydá album Based on True Sto... - zoznam.sk

Will Smith:
Will Smith je zase späť v rape: Na novom bangri sa predstavil s Joynerom
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Will Smith:
Obludný skandál P. Diddyho bobtná: Will Smith u něj měl syna Jadena nutit k
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Will Smith:
Will Smith: Mizerové jsou hlavně o síle přátelství - Výborný rapper a hlavně skvělý herec se dva roky po incidentu, kdy dal při předá... - novinky.cz

Bad Boys:
RECENZIA Bad Boys prichádzajú po štvrtýkrát: Will Smith tentoraz aj za
kamerou, toto mu vyšlo
- ... - Hashtag.sk

Bad Boys:
Will Smith práve hviezdi v nových Bad Boys: Akú má za sebou rapovú
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Will Smith

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Will Smith - Give Me Tonite
Will Smith - Give Me Tonite



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(feat. Tra-Knox)

[Verse 1 (Will Smith)]
Uh, check, check
Yo, yo, yo
Across the room shared a little gaze with me
Crazy mama how your scent played with me
Eyes never hiding your heart angelic looking
Faking disinterest but I can tell you're looking
Face to face her eye to eye stance with me
Didn't even say nothing I felt you wanna dance with me
You push me back a little when I kissed your hand
Said you was attracted to me truly but you had a man
I put my finger up (Shhh) don't say nothing
He ain't here is he? We can play or something
He at the crib oh, I see you live with him
What you gone get married to him and have some kids with him
Us could be just a weekend thing
just a weekday thing, just a thing ma
Look we can have everything else
But for tonite let me have you for myself
Girl holla at me

[Chorus (Tra-Knox)]
You can have the rest of your life
Give me tonite
You can have the rest of your life
Give me tonite
You can have the rest of your life
Just give me tonite
You can have the rest of your life
Just give me tonite, give me tonite

[Verse 2 (Will Smith)]
Whoop! Whoop!
Big Will coming through like
Whoop! Whoop!
Tra-Knox coming through with
Whoop! Whoop!
East girls off the hook ain't they
Right, right
Baby girl
You know exactly what I want
No I'm not tryna replace your man
I just want one night to touch you all over
Baby girl
This our secret rondevue
Look in my eyes I'm telling you
All I'm tryna do is change your view
For a moment or two
Baby girl
I don't wanna break up your happy home
Baby I don't wanna be alone
So let me jump in the zone
Can't you feel the Jones


[Verse 3 (Will Smith)]
Thinking of living your life as a hundred yards long
Give me a quarter-inch thats all I'm asking
Do the math I'm the sun you the earth
Its U-N-I-verse and its the worst
Cuz I thirst to tape connect her
I know you got a life momma
Trust me I don't wanna bring your life drama
I can barely hear my think slide with me
Dip out the side door take a ride with me
Let me hear about (Uh)
What you think about (Uh)
What you need to do (Uh)
The things you dream about (Whoo)
Your Body with me but I know where your heart's at
[Phone rings] Let it ring ma call him back
Wishing I could stop the clock to make it last with you
Am I gon' be at home alone with a glass slipper
Is it a sin to pretend with another fella
Midnight the story ends like Cinderella

[Chorus X2]

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(C) 2002 - Pavol Bacigál - kontakt: info@supermusic.sk