Billy Talent - Nothing To Lose Billy Talent - Nothing To Lose | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
EmiNeed mF#ore frD/Giends with wiCngs,
ABll the angFels EmiI kF#now put coD/Gncrete in my veC, B, Fins.
I'd alEmiways wF#alk D/Ghome aClone,
BSo I beFcame lEmiife-lF#ess, just lG/Dike my telC, B, Fephone.
ThCere's nothing to lEmiose
when noD-one knows your nBmiame,
ThEmiere's nothing to gGain but the dF#ays don't seem to chaFnge.
ThCere's nothing to lEmiose my notDebook will exBmiplain.
TEmihere's nothing to gGain and F#I can't fight the pFain.
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