Summer Darkness - Utrecht 17.jpg)


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Epica: EPICA láká na album „Aspiral“ nabušeným singlem - EPICA láká na své nejnovější album pořádně chytlavým singlem.
... - spark | 

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Delain: Charlotte a Simone - Společně o antidepresivech - Nejen fanoušci DELAIN jistě netrpělivě očekávají vydání nového alba jejich dnes... - spark | 

EPIC: TOPFEST SLOVAKIA 2023: Na tretí deň pálilo slnko aj ohne. Návrat k víkendu plnému rocku, metalu a punku - Počas záverečného dňa festivalu TOPFEST SLOVAKIA 2023 sa RC letiskom Abrahám niesol... - spark | 

Apocalyptica: APOCALYPTICA, EPICA - 24. 3. 2023, Brno, Hala Vodova - Epickou Apokalypsu neboli společné turné APOCALYPTIKY a EPIKY doprovázejí ještě fi... - spark | 

Apocalyptica: FOTOGALERIE: Apocalyptica a Epica v obrazech - Brno se konečně dočkalo několikrát odložené The Epic Apocalypse Tour 2023. Jako p... - musicserver.cz | 

Apocalyptica: Apocalyptica a Epica už v pátek rozeznějí Brno - Dlouho očekávaná a několikrát odkládaná hudební událost, "The Epic Apocalypse To... - musicserver.cz | 

Apocalyptica: VIDEO: Apocalyptica a Epica zvou na turné společnou verzí skladby 'Rise Again' - Finská Apocalyptica a holandská Epica spojily síly pro plánované evropské turné, k... - musicserver.cz | 

Epica - Chasing The Dragon Epica - Chasing The Dragon | | Free my mind, heal my scars, erase the past
Dark days to forget
And memories to last in my heart
Free my mind
Make me forget and forgive
there's no use to go on and live
Show me a way to this life
Heal my scars
Nothing will be forever gone
Memories will stay and find their way
What goes around will come around
Don't deny your fears
So let them go and fade into light
Give up the fight here
Let my eyes take in the beauty that's here
That's left on this earth
My ears long to hear a melody
Give me a sign
Nothing will be forever gone
Memories will stay and find their way
What goes around will come around
Don't deny your fears
So let them go and fade into light
Give up the fight here
Poison is slowly seeping through my veins
Stealing the only dignity in me
I think [..]
The cause of [...]
One more life to live is what I want
I take the joy away from me
See, you and me, we'll all be damned
One more chance to heal a dying world
The dragon is reeking havoc in my brain
Plays my emotion a never-ending game
Nothing will be forever gone
Memories will stay and find their way
What goes around will come around
Don't deny your fears
So let them go and fade into light
Give up the fight here
One more life to live for me
I want the night just to colour the day
The morning to chase all my nightmares away
Don't you deny that we're all human beings
We all have our flaws that can make ourself sick
Killing all you want
Killing all you need
Right now
Tell us what you want
Tell us what you need
Right now
Nothing will be forever gone
Memories will stay and find their way
What goes around will come around
Don't deny your fears
So let them go and fade into light
Give up the fight here
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