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Biohazard: Klasická sestava BIOHAZARD doveze do Brna snad už čerstvý materiál - Hardcoroví velikáni BIOHAZARD vyrážejí na společné evropské turné se „spolunew... - spark |
Biohazard: BIOHAZARD, DOWNSET, CRIPPLED FINGERS - 17. 6. 2024, Praha, Lucerna Music Bar - Technika málem nepřežila, ale jinak to prý byl famózní koncert. BIOHAZARD v Lucerna... - spark |
Biohazard: NAžIVO: Biohazard v Praze rozpoutali hardcore peklo - Pondělní koncert v malé Lucerně přinesl neskutečnou energii a intenzitu. Legendárn... - musicserver.cz |
Biohazard: Biohazard rozeskáčou pražský Lucerna Music Bar - Legendární newyorská čtveřice Biohazard, která navždy ovlivnila hardcore scénu, s... - musicserver.cz |
Biohazard: FOTOGALERIE: Druhý den na Brutalu v obrazech - Jestliže první den nasadil ve svém line-upu laťku pekelně vysoko, hned ten druhý ji... - musicserver.cz |
Biohazard: BIOHAZARD potvrzují reunion klasické sestavy, chystají se nahrávat, dokončit dokument a přijet na Brutal - Hardcoroví velikáni BIOHAZARD se probouzejí opět k životu. Ve jménu oslav 35. výro... - spark |
Annihilator: Víkendové festivaly 9.8. - sme.sk |
Biohazard: BIOHAZARD - Urban Discipline - metalopolis.net |
Biohazard: Mighty Sounds 2012: Těšte se na Biohazard a spoustu dalších - musicweb.cz |
Biohazard: Pořadatelé Mighty Sounds přivážejí v červenci do Prahy Rancid a zveřejňují další jména festivalu |
Biohazard - Urban Discipline Biohazard - Urban Discipline |
| Growing up I've seen a lot of shit in my time
I've seen hunger, hunger, pleasure, pain, violence and crime
I have learned from the mistakes of my friends that have died
And from those who have gone down in life that just never
Life is just too short I realize that now
I'm gonna get my shit together and try to make it some how
Cause one thing that I have learned is that you only live once
So now I'll take life by the balls and squeeze until they crunch
Knowledge of the streets, a valuable tool
Type of education you can't get in school
Many hard times, losing friends, getting burned
Nobody to teach me, I just learned
A man like clay molded by his surroundings
He starts to take shape of the beating and the pounding
Assembly line that I've been through
A hard motherfuc.er with a bad attidude
Maybe its just the times we live in
Maybe its just urban discipline
The ways of urban life are not as they seem
Standing up and fighting is what living here means
In order to survive you've got to earn your respect
The only lessons that you learn are from things that you regret
[Verse II]
Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island and Queens
Standing up and fighting is what living here means
In order to survive you've got to earn your respect
The only lessons that you learn are from things that you regret |
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