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Biohazard: Pojďte společně s BIOHAZARD lovit duchy - Legendy newyorského hardcoru si odskočili ulovit si pár duchů.
... - spark | 

Biohazard: Hardcoroví veteráni BIOHAZARD vyráží do studia pracovat na nové desce - Ikony newyorského hardcoru znovu nastupují do studia a fanouškům slibují pořádný ... - spark | 

Biohazard: Klasická sestava BIOHAZARD doveze do Brna snad už čerstvý materiál - Hardcoroví velikáni BIOHAZARD vyrážejí na společné evropské turné se „spolunew... - spark | 

Biohazard: BIOHAZARD, DOWNSET, CRIPPLED FINGERS - 17. 6. 2024, Praha, Lucerna Music Bar - Technika málem nepřežila, ale jinak to prý byl famózní koncert. BIOHAZARD v Lucerna... - spark | 

Biohazard: NAžIVO: Biohazard v Praze rozpoutali hardcore peklo - Pondělní koncert v malé Lucerně přinesl neskutečnou energii a intenzitu. Legendárn... - musicserver.cz | 

Biohazard: Biohazard rozeskáčou pražský Lucerna Music Bar - Legendární newyorská čtveřice Biohazard, která navždy ovlivnila hardcore scénu, s... - musicserver.cz | 

Biohazard: FOTOGALERIE: Druhý den na Brutalu v obrazech - Jestliže první den nasadil ve svém line-upu laťku pekelně vysoko, hned ten druhý ji... - musicserver.cz | 

Biohazard: BIOHAZARD potvrzují reunion klasické sestavy, chystají se nahrávat, dokončit dokument a přijet na Brutal - Hardcoroví velikáni BIOHAZARD se probouzejí opět k životu. Ve jménu oslav 35. výro... - spark | 

Annihilator: Víkendové festivaly 9.8. - sme.sk | 

Biohazard: BIOHAZARD - Urban Discipline - metalopolis.net | 

Biohazard - What Makes Us Tick Biohazard - What Makes Us Tick | | What makes us tick
Are we mentally sick
Feeling inside that drive us like pride
Or emotional scars from our friends that have died
And make us build walls so incredible high
They exceed the ceiling from the terrified feelings
Which we often repress and end up depressed
Some vent it as rage, it's the fashion these days
In a twisted society, we drown in anxiety
Has push come to shove, have we killed the dove
Are we caught in a fit, what makes us tick
Has man gone insane, are we feeling the strain
We must dig and must pick at what makes us tick
Has push come to shove, have we killed the dove
Are we caught in the thick as to what makes us tick
Can you feel the pain that I feel
So let me tell you about what is real
The pain inside, it kills me, I cry
What is it that makes us tick
Can you hear the cries that I cry
Leave me alone, I'm ready to die
For me I lie to myself
Just what is it that makes us tick
4. Tales From The Hard Side
Your cards were dealt when
You drove through the night
As a man in dark clothes came into your sight
The barrel tapped the glass
You reached the window lock
Get the fuc. out the car
And leave it in the crosswalk
He climbed into your seat
And dropped a vial of crack
Pissin' down your leg, you're a victim of carjack
Feel the cold steel as I pull the hammer back
Bang! You're fuc.in' dead 'cause it's like that
Society, pushed him down and out
Soul provider what's it all about
Religion, faith can we do without
Social pressure we're too strung out
Another bad hand the cards have been dealt
Kid of fourteen, high aspirations held
To get ahead and run shit with his powerful will
Told by his role model, you're old enough to kill
See my ride, my bitches and my loot
If ya wanna survive be prepared to shoot
Stay hard like me, you're bound to do well
A waste of precious life, twenty five and an L
I'll put a bullet in your head for the colour of your skin
This is my neighborhood who the fuc. let you in
I'll stick with mine stay with your own kind
The virus of hate infects the ignorant mind
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