GMet myself a Dcomin' Ccounty welfare Gline.
GI was feelin' Cstrung out, Ghung out on the Dline.
GSaw myself a Dgoin', Emidown to war in Cjune.
GAll I want, Dall I want is to Cwrite myself a Gtune.
CWrote a song for Gev'ryone,
CWrote a song for Gtruth.
CWrote a song for Gev'ryDonEmie
And I Ccouldn't even talk to Gyou.
Got myself arrested, wound me up in jail.
Richmond 'bout to blow up, communication failed.
If you see the answer, now's the time to say.
All I want, all I want is to get you down to pray.
Saw the people standin' thousand years in chains.
Somebody said it's diff'rent now, look, it's just the same.
Pharoahs spin the message, round and round the truth.
They could have saved a million people, how can i tell you?
Chorus 3x