All Of Us - My Home / My Own / Something Beautiful All Of Us - My Home / My Own / Something Beautiful | | There is this place I call home, where all my memories were born,
the place where I belong, with my soul, flesh and bones. The place where I learned what feels good and what hurts, what matters and where I found love. For the very first time in my life,
I felt there is some in this world that I might, remember and memorize in its beautiful light. It was the very first day that I saw, I'd rather stay close don't go far, I know my place is here, here in your heart Chorus 1: I call you my home, my own I love to pay rent for every yard. I wish to stay here forever, live forever in your heart. I call you my hide and fort,
the place I'm safe in,
safe from the evil around, safe from the people around,
who do me harm. A2 And when I'm far from you, miles away, somewhere else, out of sight, preoccupied or out of my mind; the distance is poison, flooding my veins. But I will return, I will always find back. Through canyons, dark forests and mountains
I'd step to get back to you, home on my ground. Back to the place my first traces where found, back to the source that I circled around. Chorus 1 It's been such a long time since I've been here Long gone are the days I used to live here. Still nothing has changed, except the few marks wind and time have left.
Everything is as it always has been.
Again I have these memories repeating in front of my eyes like an endless movie Maybe I shouldn't have left, but then again; If I wouldn't have moved on,
I now wouldn't be that happy to return.
Chorus 1:
Sometimes you might not feel so right,
someone might stand on your shoulder.
Sometimes the world overburdens your mind,
your sanity shouts “out of order”.
You feel a plane crash in your stomach,
a battle fought out on your back,
your hero just died in combat,
the funeral takes place in your head.
Chorus 2:
There’s always someone you can trust,
there’s always someone you can find,
there’s always something so beautiful,
you just have to give it a try.
Life is moral, life is fortune, love is urgent, and of importance
Chorus 2:
There’s always someone you can trust,
there’s always someone you can find,
there’s always something so beautiful,
you just have to give it a try.
Life is moral, life is fortune…
Do you know about your life?
Do you know about mine?
Do you know about your rights?
Do you know when it’s time,
time for you to say goodbye,
best for you to live a lie,
time that you identify
and choose your side?
Time for you to make a pick,
time for you to settle,
time for you to move a leg,
the time that you claim your medal? |
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