Chris Burgh - In a country churchyard Chris Burgh - In a country churchyard | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
CIn a country churchyard there's a Fpreacher with his Cpeople
FGathered all aCround to Fjoin a man and Gwoman,
CSpring is here and Gturtle doves are Fsinging from the Csteeple,
FBees are in the Cflowers, Fgrowing in the Ggraveyard,
And Eover the Amhill, where the Friver meets the Cmill,
A Flovely girl is Ccoming down
To Fgive her hand Gupon her wedding Cday.
CDressed in simple Gwhite and wearing Fflowers in her Chair,
FMusic as she Cwalks Fslowly to the Galtar,
CAnd picking up his GBible then the FPreacher turns Ctowards her,
F"Will you take this Cman to Fbe your wedded Ghusband,
to Ehonour and Amlove in the Feyes of god aCbove,
Now Flet the peoble Csing with me
These Fwords to live forGever in your Cheart...
FLet Gyour AmloveEm, Fshine Con
For Amwe are the Emstars in the Fsky,
FLet Gyour AmloveEm, Fshine Cstrong
FUntil the Gday you Ffly, Caway
CMany years have Gfallen on that Fgolden country Cmorning,
The Fgraveyard's overCgrown, the Fchurch lies in Gruins,
CIvy on the Gwalls and ravens Fwheeling round Cabove me
As I Fmade my way Ctowards the Flast remaining Gheadstone,
I Efell to my Amknees, read the Flines beneath the Cleaves,
And Fsuddenly it Cseemed to me
I Fheard the words like Gsinging in the Ctrees...
FLet Gyour AmloveEm, Fshine Con
For Amwe are the Emstars in the Fsky,
FLet Gyour AmloveEm, Fshine Cstrong
FUntil the Gday you Ffly, Caway
FLet Gyour AmloveEm, Fshine Con
For Amwe are the Emstars in the Fsky,
FLet Gyour AmloveEm, Fshine Cstrong
FUntil the Gday you Ffly, Caway
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