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Mika - Big Girl (you Are Beautiful)
Mika - Big Girl (you Are Beautiful)




Pesničku videlo 5969 návštevníkov.

Kvalita akordov : bez hodnotenia
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Transpozícia:   [+1 +2 -1 -2]
Big girl you are beautiful

HWalks in to the room
EFeels like a big balloon
I said, A´Hey girls you are beautiF#ful´
HDiet coke and a pizza please
EDiet coke I´m on my knees
Screaming A´Big girl you are beautiF#ful´

HYou take your skinny girls
AFeel like I´m gonna die
Cos a Ereal woman
Needs a F#real man here´s why

HYou take your girl
And Amultiply her by four
Now a Ewhole lot of woman
Needs a F#whole lot more

HGet yourself to the Butterfly Lounge
EFind yourself a big lady
C#Big boy come on around
And F#they´ll be calling you baby

No need to fantasise
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole
With the girls around
And curves in all the right places

HBig girls you are beautiEful
C#Big girls you are beautiF#ful
Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful

Walks in to the room
Feels like a big balloon
I said, ´Hey girls you are beautiful´
Diet coke and a pizza please
Diet coke I´m on my knees
Screaming ´Big girl you are beautiful´

You take your girl
And multiply her by four
Now a whole lot of woman
Needs a whole lot more

Get yourself to the Butterfly Lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy come on around
And they´ll be calling you baby

No need to fantasise
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole
With the girls around
And curves in all the right places

Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful

Get yourself to the Butterfly Lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy come on around
And they´ll be calling you baby

No need to fantasise
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole
With the girls around
And curves in all the right places

Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful
Oh you are beautiful

Get yourself to the Butterfly Lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy come on around
And they´ll be calling you baby

No need to fantasise
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole
With the girls around
And curves in all the right places

Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful
Oh you are beautiful

Get yourself to the Butterfly Lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy come on around
And they´ll be calling you baby

No need to fantasise
Since I was in my braces
A watering hole
With the girls around
And curves in all the right places

Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful
Big girls you are beautiful
Big girl you are beautiful

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Big Girls You Are Beautiful - preklad

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Happy Ending - taby

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Happy Ending - text

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(C) 2002 - Pavol Bacigál - kontakt: info@supermusic.sk