

Paramore - When It Rains Paramore - When It Rains | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
E And when it rC#miains,
On this side of tAown it touchEes, everytC#mihing.
Just say it agAain and mean Eit.
We don't miss a thing,A You made yourself a bed
At the bottom of the blEackest hole
And convAinced yourself that
It's not the reason you dEon't see the sun anymoreB
And Aoh, oh, C#mihow could you Edo it?
AOh I, IB never saC#miw it coming.
AOh, oh, C#miI need the endEing.
So wAhy can't you sBtay
Just long eC#minough to eExplain?
And when it rC#miains,
Will you always fAind an escEape?
Just running awC#miay from all of the oAnes who love yEou,
From everything.A you made yourself a bed
At the bottom of the bElackest hole
And you'll slAeep 'til May
And you'll say that you don't want toE see the sun anymoreB
And Aoh, oh, C#mihow could you Edo it?
AOh I, IB never saC#miw it coming.
AOh, oh, C#miI need the endEing.
So wAhy can't you sBtay
Just long eC#minough to eExplain?
C#miTake yBour tiAme.
C#miTake mBy tiAme.
C#miTake these chances to tBurn it around.
ATake these chances, we'll make it somehow
C#miAnd take these chances to tuBrn it around.
Just tuArn it around.
And Aoh, oh, C#mihow could you Edo it?
AOh I, IB never saC#miw it coming.
And Aoh, oh, C#mihow could you Edo it?
AOh I, IB never saC#miw it coming.
And Aoh, oh, C#mihow could you Edo it?
AOh I, IB never saC#miw it coming.
AOh, oh, C#miI need the endEing.
So wAhy can't you sBtay
Just long eC#minough to eExplain?
C#miYou can take your tBime, take my Atime.
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