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Transpozícia: [+1+2-1-2] *** Autor textu: Noel Gallagher *** Autor hudby: Noel Gallagher
AThere we were now here we are
Dsus2All this confusion Cadd9nothing’s the same to me
AThere we were now here we are
Dsus2All this confusion Cadd9nothings the same to me
AI can't tell you the way I feel
Because the Dsus2way I feel is Cadd9oh so! new to me
AI can't tell you the way I feel
Because the Dsus2way I feel is Cadd9oh so! new to me
AWhat I heard is not what I hear
I can Dsus2see the signs but they're Cadd9not very clear
AWhat I heard is not what I hear
I can Dsus2see the signs but they're Cadd9not very clear
So AI can't tell you the way I feel
Because the Dsus2way I feel is Cadd9oh so! new to me
AI can't tell you the way I feel
Because the Dsus2way I feel is Cadd9oh so! new to me
Dsus2This is confusion Cadd9am I confusing you?
Dsus2This is confusion Cadd9am I confusing you?