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Metal Church: „Nevím, co se s kapelou bude dít dál,“ říká zpěvák METAL CHURCH - Budoucnost kapely je sice nejistá, zpěvák Marc Lopes se ale snaží vidět věci pozit... - spark | 

Metal Church: Zemřel dlouholetý bubeník METAL CHURCH Kirk Arrington - Ani ne dva roky po smrti zpěváka Mikea Howea zemřel další z dlouholetých členů ME... - spark | 

Metal Church: METAL CHURCH načínají novou éru s novým zpěvákem návratem ke kořenům - Je to pár týdnů, co METAL CHURCH potvrdili, že jejich novým zpěvákem Marc Lopes zn... - spark | 

Metal Church: Nový zpěvák METAL CHURCH potvrzen! - Marc Lopes se stává oficiálním vokalistou legendárních METAL CHURCH. Kapela tak na... - spark | 

Metal Church: VICIOUS RUMORS angažovali bývalého zpěváka METAL CHURCH - V kapele amerických powermetalových pionýrů se už vystřídala řada zpěváků. VIC... - spark | 

Metal Church: Mike Howe (†55): Vzpomínka na hlas a srdce METAL CHURCH - Když v roce 2015 oznámil šéf METAL CHURCH, že se do kapely po dvaceti letech vrací ... - spark | 

Metal Church: METAL CHURCH: „Mike Howe (†55) by se pro všechny rozdal. Takto si ho pamatujme.“ - Když se zpěvák Mike Howe po téměř dvaceti letech vrátil v roce 2015 do METAL CHURC... - spark | 

Metal Church: Zemřel Mike Howe, hlas slavných METAL CHURCH - US powermetalová stálice oznámila prostřednictvím sociálních sítí, že její zp... - spark | 

Metal Church: Metal Church přišli o frontmana, Mike Howe v 55 letech zemřel - Kapela Metal Church přišla o frontmana. Oznámila to prostřednictvím svých sociáln... - IREPORT | 

FLOTSAM AND JETSAM: METALLICA history: První koncert s Jasonem Newstedem - Psal se 8. listopad 1986, když metalová ikona poprvé vystoupila jako support METAL CHU... - spark | 

Metal Church - Anthem To the Estranged Metal Church - Anthem To the Estranged | | Starved for destination, a beggar man by trade
A desperate man needs more than someone else to blame
Friendless he appears, he hides behind his tears
For things he's lost, or things he'll never have at all
The forgotten man wanders misplaced in the world
Obscurity is all the eye can see, and I recall
All alone again
As we pass on by and continue with our day
Can we appraise the quality of life some other way?
All alone again
When you take a longer look at someone on the run
You may see reflections of yourself becoming one
Take an extra moment when you find yourself at peace
To think about your values and your own affluency
Everything you've worked for and everything you've done
May be thrown by the wayside, and you're not the only one
Everything around you may seen worn and overused
But imagine yourself removed from all that you're used to
All alone again
Once an influential man, once was in his prime
He spends his days repeating lines like "can you spare a dime?"
Shunned by those loved you and by those who were your friends
Can you adjust to a different life of living on the edge?
The destitute find meaning in a different way of life
The doorways that they dwell in are shelter in the night
No shining crystal possessions set out for his display
His purpose is to find the food to get him throught the day
All alone again
Roaming aimless through the streets of supply and demand
Once a gypsy disconnected, no more, no future plans
Self discarded king of ruin, worthless to the world
Fight to keep his sanity, his voice is never heard
You may think it thoughtless and his mind is on a string (?)
He always seems to find a reason to him through the day
All alone again
He staggers down the alley to drink his spirits by himself
As he prays to God that he wakes up somewhere else |
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