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Nickelback: NICKELBACK připomínají své poslední album novým klipem - NICKELBACK na horizontu! Kanadští rockeři zveřejnili nový videoklip ke skladbě „H... - spark | 

Nickelback: NICKELBACK, LOTTERY WINNERS – 6. 6. 2024, Praha, O2 arena - Kanadští rockeři NICKELBACK se po osmi letech vrátili do pražské O2 areny, aby div... - spark | 

Nickelback: FOTOGALERIE: Nickelback zaplavili O2 arenu přívalem hitů - Po osmi letech se do pražské O2 areny vrátila kanadská rocková skupina Nickeback. Hu... - musicserver.cz | 

Nickelback: NAžIVO: Nickelback v Praze odehráli úplně jiný koncert než posledně - Kanadská rocková skupina Nickelback se po osmi letech vrátila do pražské O2 areny. P... - musicserver.cz | 

Nickelback: LIVE: Nickelback v Česku vsadili na jistotu, sázeli hit za hitem - Nickelback se po osmi letech vrátili do Prahy, aby českým fanouškům představili nov... - IREPORT | 

Ac/dc: Veľký kalendár koncertov 2024: Priprav sa na tieto veľké mená, ktoré uvidíš na Slovensku? - #Tento rok sa môžeš tešiť na širokú škálu koncertných turné naprieč Európou.... - Hashtag.sk | 

Cirque Du Soleil: Ed Sheeran přidává druhý koncert. Přijedou rovněž Nickelback, Jacob Collier, Troye Sivan, Cirque du Soleil i Jimmy Carr - Kulturní kalendář na rok 2024 se utěšeně plní, tipy na vánoční dárky v podob... - novinky.cz | 

Nickelback: Nickelback přijedou v červnu do Prahy - Cenami ověnčená rocková kapela Nickelback oznámila evropské koncerty v rámci Get R... - musicserver.cz | 

Nickelback: Oblíbení i nenávidění. Do Česka se vrátí kanadští rockeři Nickelback - Kritizoval je bubeník dua Black Keys, čtenáři časopisu Rolling Stone je označili za... - aktualne.cz | 

Nickelback: Podívejte se na trailer k dokumentu 'Hate to Love: Nickelback' - Kanadská čtveřice Nickelback patří mezi nejslavnější rockové kapely, spolu se sl... - musicserver.cz | 

Nickelback - Someday Nickelback - Someday | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Chad Kroeger *** Autor hudby: Nickelback |
BmiHow the hell did we Gwind up like Dsus2this
Why wAeren't we able
BmiTo see the Gsigns that we Dsus2missed
try to Aturn the tables
BmiI wish you'd uGnclench your fDsus2ists
And unApack your suitcase
BmiLately there's been Gtoo much of Dsus2this
But don't Athink its too late
ENothin's wrong
just as Glong as
you know that sAomeday I will
GSomeDsus2day, somehAow
I'm gonna make it alBmilright but not right now
GI know you're Awondering when Bmi(You're the only Aone who knows that)
GSomeDsus2day, someAhow
I'm gonna make it alBmilright but not right now
GI know you're Awondering wBmihen
Well I Bmihoped that since we'reG here anyDsus2way
We could Aend up saying
TBmihings we've always nGeeded to Dsus2say
So we could Aend up stringing
BmiNow the story's Gplayed out like tDsus2his
Just like a Apaperback novel
BmiLets rewrite an Gending that Dsus2fits
Instead of a hAollywood horror
ENothin's wrong
just as lGong as
you know that sAomeday I will
GSomeDsus2day, someAhow
I'm gonna make it alBmilright but not right now
GI know you're Awondering when(BmiYou're the only Aone who knows that)
GSomeDsus2day, someAhow
I'm gonna make it alBmilright but not right now
GI know you're Awondering when(BmiYou're the only Aone who knows that)
Solo. The chords in the solo are the same chords in the chorus.
After the last Bm in the solo, you are not playing A, you're staying on Bm!
BmiHow the hell did we Gwind up like Dsus2this
Why wAeren't we able
BmiTo see the Gsigns that we Dsus2missed
try to Aturn the tables
BmiNow the story's Gplayed out like Dsus2this
Just like a Apaperback novel
BmiLets rewrite an Gending that Dsus2fits
Instead of a Ahollywood horror
ENothin's wrong
just as lGong as
you know that sAomeday I will
GSomeDsus2day, someAhow
I'm gonna make it alBmilright but not right now
GI know you're wAondering when(BmiYou're the only Aone who knows that)
GSomeDsus2day, someAhow
I'm gonna make it alBmilright but not right now
GI know you're wAondering when(BmiYou're the only Aone who knows that)
GI know you're wAondering when(BmiYou're the only Aone who knows that)
GI know you're wAondering whBmien
| |