

Nightwish - Angels Fall First Nightwish - Angels Fall First | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Tuomas Holopainen *** Autor hudby: Tuomas Holopainen |
EmiAn angelface smiles to Gme
Under a Dheadline of tragedyEmi
That smile used to give me GwarDmth
EmiFarewell - no words to Gsay
Beside the Dcross on your Emigrave
And those forever burning GcanDdles
EmiNeeded elseCwhere
To Dremind us of the Amishortness of your Emitime
Tears laid for Cthem D
Tears of Amilove tears of Ffear
CBury my dreams Gdig up my sorrows
AmiOh, Lord Fwhy
The Cangels fall Gfirst?
EmiNot relieved by thoughts of GShangri-DLa
EmiNor enlightened by the Glessons of E7Christ
EmiI'll never understand the Gmeaning of the Dright
EmiIgnorance lead me Ginto the E7light
EmiNeeded elseCwhere
To Dremind us of the Amishortness of your Emitime
Tears laid for Cthem D
Tears of Amilove tears of Ffear
CBury my dreams Gdig up my sorrows
AmiOh, Lord Fwhy
The Cangels fall Gfirst?
AmiSing me a Emisong
Of your Dmibeauty
Of your Amikingdom
Let the melodiesEmi of your harDmips
Caress those whom we Amistill need
Yesterday Emiwe shook hanDmids
My Amifriend
Today a moonEmibeam lightens my Dmipath
My Amiguardian
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