

Nightwish - Stargazers Nightwish - Stargazers | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Tuomas Holopainen *** Autor hudby: Tumoas Holopainen |
Emi, G, D, Emi, G, D, Emi, G, D, C, D 2x
Ami, G, C, G, Ami, G, C, G
1.A Emigrand oasis in the Fvastness of Emigloom
Child of Cdew-spangled cobweb MoGther to the Dmoon
ConsteEmillations beholders of Fthe 3rd vaEmigrant
TheaCter for the Dplay of Emilife
R:AmiTragedienne of Gheavens
CWatching the Geyes of the Aminight
Sailing the virgin Goceans
A planetCride for the GMother and AmiChild
2.Floating upon the quiet hydrogen lakes
In this ambrosial merry-go-round they will gaze
Ephemereal life touched by a billion-year show
Separating the poet from the woe
R: Tragedienne of heavens...
*. EmiOracle of the Delphian DDomine
EmiWitness of Adam's frailFty
EmiSeer of the master Dprophecy
EmiThe stellar world her betroFthed
**.EmiWanderers in cosmic caravan
Universal bond - The Starborn
Ami, Emi, Ami, G, Emi 2x
**. EmiA son in the search for the truth
Following the pages of AlmagFest
EmiDiscovering the origin of dreams
Stargazers ride through the ancient realms
Ami, Emi, Ami, G, Emi 2x
R:AmiTragedienne of Gheavens...
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