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Answer: Konzum vs. originalita, týmto pesničkami si môžete spríjemniť Vianoce - Modernú pieseň so starosvetským vianočnom napísala, nahrala a 1. decembra 2019 Taylo... - teraz.sk | 

Beach Boys: ROZHOVORY: The Beach Boys - Byl zázrak, že jsme v roce 1969 mohli v Československu zahrát - Ve své době se v Americe těšili větší popularitě než The Beatles, vytvořili uni... - musicserver.cz | 

Beach Boys: The Beach Boys se dočkají speciálního dokumentu na Disney+ - Hudebních dokumentů není nikdy dost, a tak je jen dobře, že další z nich se bude v... - musicserver.cz | 

Beach Boys: VIDEO: Oliver Sim v 'GMT' opěvuje Londýn. A Beach Boys - "GMT" je již čtvrtým lákadlem na prvotinu Olivera Sima "Hideous Bastard", na které t... - musicserver.cz | 

Beach Boys: PUBLICISTIKA: Slavná alba: 'Pet Sounds' od The Beach Boys jako demonstrace možností nahrávacího studia, která předběhla dobu - Dojde-li v diskuzi na největší milníky v oblasti nahrávání a práce ve studiu, dř... - musicserver.cz | 

Beach Boys: LIVE: Beach Boys v Praze odehráli všechny svoje hity a rozhýbali staré kosti diváků - ireport.cz | 

Beach Boys: Do Prahy se dnes po dvou letech vrátí skupina Beach Boys - ceskenoviny.cz | 

Beach Boys: Beach Boys přijíždějí připomenout zlatá šedesátá, kdy překonávali Beatles - aktualne.cz | 

Beach Boys: The Beach Boys se vracejí do České republiky přesně 50 let od svého prvního vystoupení v pražské Lucerně - ireport.cz | 

Beach Boys: Brian Wilson z The Beach Boys odložil koncerty, musí sa podrobiť oprerácii - zoznam.sk | 

Beach Boys - California Saga/the Beaks Of Eagles Beach Boys - California Saga/the Beaks Of Eagles | | An eagle's nest on the head of an old redwood on one of the
precipice-footed ridges
Above Ventana Creek, that jagged country which nothing but a fallen
meteor will ever plow: no horseman
Will ever ride there, no hunter cross this ridge but the winged ones, no
one will steal the eggs from this fortress.
The she-eagle is old, her mate was shot long ago, she is now mated
With a son of hers.
When lightning blasted her nest she built it again on the same tree, in
the splinters of the thunder bolt.
In a broken shack an old man takes his time about dyin'
And just at the back a wild flowerbed that he'll lie in
In dawn's new light a man might venture
A horse drawn stage from Monterey.
The she-eagle is older than I: she was here when the fires of eighty-five
raged on these ridges,
She was lately fledged and dared not hunt ahead of them, but ate scorched
The world has changed in her time; humanity has multiplied,
But not here; men's hopes and thoughts and customs have changed, their
powers are enlarged, their powers and their follies have become fantastic.
Spilled down the hill a wagon load of bodies lay scattered, shipwrecked
at sea.
Limestone ore is all that mattered.
They took it from the hills right through the cargo doors
How many ships have come and gone at Thurso's landing shore?
The unstable animal never has been changed so rapidly.
The motor and the plane and the great war have gone over him,
And Lenin has lived and Jehovah died: while the mother-eagle
Hunts her same hills, crying the same beautiful and lonely cry
And is never tired: dreams the same dreams,
And hears at night the rock-slides rattle and thunder in the
Throats of these living mountains.
It is good for man
To try all changes, progress and corruption, powers, peace and anguish,
not to go down the dinosaur's way
Until all his capacities have been explored: and it is good for him
To know that his needs and nature are no more changed, in fact, in ten
thousand years than the beaks of eagles.
Of the eagle's plight, we know that nature's balance is undone.
And it's the birthright of man to unify and live his life as one.
A whisper of the word will let you soar with your soul. |
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