Adam Green - Bunny Ranch Adam Green - Bunny Ranch | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Intro and verse:
B, C#mi, D#mi, C#mi, x2
Bbind me, C#migag me, D#mitake me to the bunny C#miranch
Bpeople C#midying, D#mikill me in the packing C#mihouse
Beven you C#mihave to D#miwin sometimes C#midear
Bpoison needle C#mismoker, D#mibreak a broken C#miwindow, mind you
solo (over intro)
G-8-11-9-13-11-11-11-11>15-11-9- x2
Bone kiss C#mitwo kiss D#mihow you make it look like C#mithat?
Bdo me C#midolly, D#mirape in the parking C#milot
Beven you C#mihave to D#miwin sometimes C#midear
Bpoison needle C#mismoker, D#mibreak a broken C#miwindow, mind you
Bbind me, C#migag me, D#mitake me to the bunny C#miranch (play solo softly)
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