Adam Green - Friends Of Mine Adam Green - Friends Of Mine | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
E, C#mi, A, B, x2
and we Elive on borrowed C#mitime
but this Aheadshot's pretty Bgood
i've been Escheming for too C#milong
i was sAtarstruck by your Bmom
Ewe fall in love by C#miaccident
A a heavenly cBoincedence
Eno matter what you C#mithink is true
A let me introBduce you to
soAme Bfriends ofE mine
ohA frBiends of mEine
ohA frBiends of mEine
ohA frBiends of mEine
and we Ebreak for passingC#mi cars
in the Apistol-ripping Bchase
i regEret the drugs you C#milost
so i Askipped our second Bdate
Ewe fall in love by C#miaccident
A a heavenly cBoincedence
Eno matter what you C#mithink is true
A let me introBduce you to
soAme Bfriends ofE mine
ohA frBiends of mEine
ohA frBiends of mEine
ohA frBiends of mEine
(strings solo follows verse chords)
(one hard strum per chord for the next part)
Ewe fall in love by C#miaccident
A a heavenly cBoincedence
Eno matter what you C#mithink is true
A let me introBduce you to
A can't fiBgure out this Eplace
A guess somBeone hates my gEuts
Ai handed himB the sC#miign
ohA frBiends of Emine
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