

Paramore - The Only Exception = Jediná Výnimka Paramore - The Only Exception = Jediná Výnimka | | When I was younger = Keď som bola mladšia
I saw my daddy cry = Videla som môjho ocka plakať
And curse at the wind = A kliať do vetra
He broke his own heart = Zlomil si svoje vlastné srdce
And I watched as he tried to reassemble it = A ja som sledovala, ako sa ho snaží znovu spojiť
And my mama swore = A moja mama prisahala
That she would never let herself forget = Že si nikdy nedovolí zabudnúť
And that was the day that I promised = A to bol deň, keď som sľúbila, že
I'd never sing of love = Nikdy nebudem spievať o láske
If it does not exist = Ak neexistuje
But, darling, you are the only exception = Ale miláčik, ty si jediná výnimka
But you are the only exception = Ale ty si jediná výnimka
But you are the only exception = Ale ty si jediná výnimka
But you are the only exception = Ale ty si jediná výnimka
Well, maybe I know somewhere = Dobre, možno viem niekde
Deep in my soul = Hlboko v mojej duši
That love never lasts = Že lásky nikdy netrvá večne
And we've got to find other ways = A musíme nájsť iné spôsoby ako
To make it alone = to sami udržať
Or keep a straight face = alebo zachovať si vážnu tvár
And I've always lived like this = A vždy som žila takto
Keeping a comfortable distance = Udržiavala si pohodlnú vzdialenosť
And up until now, I had sworn to myself = A doteraz som prisahala samej sebe
That I'm content with loneliness = Že som spokojná s osamelosťou
Because none of it was ever worth the risk = Pretože to nikdy nestálo za ten risk
Well, you are the only exception = Dobre, ty si jediná výnimka
Well, you are the only exception = Dobre, ty si jediná výnimka
Well, you are the only exception = Dobre, ty si jediná výnimka
Well, you are the only exception = Dobre, ty si jediná výnimka
I've got a tight grip on reality = Realitu mám pevne v rukách
But I can't let go of what's in front of me here = Ale nemôžem opustiť to, čo mám rovno pred sebou
I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up = Viem, že ráno odídeš, keď sa zobudíš
Leave me of some kind of proof it's not a dream, oh = Nechaj mi nejaký dôkaz, že to nie je len sen
You are the only exception = Ty si jediná výnimka
You are the only exception = Ty si jediná výnimka
You are the only exception = Ty si jediná výnimka
You are the only exception = Ty si jediná výnimka
You are the only exception = Ty si jediná výnimka
You are the only exception = Ty si jediná výnimka
You are the only exception = Ty si jediná výnimka
You are the only exception = Ty si jediná výnimka
And I'm on my way to believing = A ja som na cestu k viere
Oh, and I'm on my way to believing = Oh, a ja som na ceste k viere
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