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!!!: 60 albumov roka 2024 podľa redakcie Hudba.sk - S pribúdajúcimi redaktormi, ktorí sa do nášho tradičného výberu zapájajú, je č... - zoznam.sk | 

Moby: Moby jede na turné, výtěžek dá na boj za práva zvířat. Lidem nemůžete věřit, říká - Jedna z prvních věcí, kterou mě život naučil, bylo, že lidem nemůžete věřit, v... - aktualne.cz | 

Axel Rudi Pell: Nová alba: Poletíme?, Moby, Axel Rudi Pell a John Cale - Brněnští Poletíme? na novém albu dospívají a těší se na svůj velký podzimní... - novinky.cz | 

Moby: Moby ohlásil nové album.Turné oslavující pětadvacet let od desky Play už téměř vyprodal - Moby v posledních týdnech naznačoval, že pro své fanoušky nachystal velké novinky.... - musicserver.cz | 

Moby: Moby ohlasuje nový album a turné k legendárnemu albumu Play - Najpredávanejší elektronický album všetkých čas znova ožije na koncertných pódi... - zoznam.sk | 

Adele: Žiarli Dua Lipa na predstaviteľov britpopu? Liam Gallagher je o tom presvedčený - Žiarli Dua Lipa na predstaviteľov britpopu? Liam Gallagher je o tom presvedčený
Dua ... - bleskovky.sk | 

Moby: Moby ohlašuje 'Resound NYC'. Sekundovat mu budou Nicole Scherzinger, Gregory Porter i Ricky Wilson - O americkém hudebníkovi Mobym píšeme relativně často. To možná proto, že asi má... - musicserver.cz | 

Moby: Moby sdílí režijní debut o punku a veganství - O Mobym na stránkách Sparku moc často nepíšeme, spíš vůbec. Přece jen, hudebně ... - spark | 

FIREWORKS: Nová alba: Moby a Fireworks - Hned s příchodem letošního roku přispěchala s novými počiny dvě výrazná hude... - novinky.cz | 

Moby: Moby ohlásil na první lednový den nové album 'Ambient 23' - To, že Moby patří mezi nejproduktivnější hudebníky vůbec, se všeobecně ví. Kdy... - musicserver.cz | 

| | My head keeps turnin' turnin'
Like Russian roulette
Thoughts are like bullets
I cannot do this...do this...do this... do this... [x2]
How do I feel like I'm
Alright probably going home
Gonna make it the same
Gonna make it my love's time... my love's time... [x2]
Cause this is the right world
This is the wrong world
This is the one world
This is the dark world
This is the sun world
This is the sun world
Can you become girl here in the fun world?
How do I feel like I'm
Alright probably going home
Gonna make it the same
Gonna make it my love's time...make it my love's time...
Imagine having shadows swooping inside us
And mirrors cracking
The shudders was a trappin
Having tea with alice
Rapid up on the mirror
I'm jealous chemically
Imbalance into my channel
Tracking through the heart of the devil
My thoughts are spinnin' from brellas ?? to higher levels
Severed from your lovin'
I'm troublin' to talk to no one
And no one told there's no one
Happening in the volcom
Where am I supposed ta
With padded rooms like a sofa
They told me it's for my own good
My voices on my shoulder
Plan it
Let the vultures divulgin'
To keep revolvin' the spot
Works on my focus
My culture, but no one knows it
This is why you focusin' mostly upon my my own shit.
I told you I'm not the culprit I'm the only one you notice
Walking across the ocean makes no super ??
im in a place that you noticed
im gonna win it to ma marbles
How do I feel like I'm
Alright probably going home
Gonna make it the same
Gonna make it my love's time... my love's time...
Cause this is the right world
This is the wrong world
This is the one world
This is the dark world
This is the sun world
This is the sun world
Can you become girl here in the fun world?
Mix it up with the alpha hits
Now this low key I'm smokin' trees
They give us ?? second trips
From nigel back to the Yuka Streets
I get ya loco everywhere we go
Easier Than None
Get down with focus
Hey there Susie
...I like the way you movin'
My head keeps turnin' turnin'
Like Russian roulette
Thoughts are like bullets
I cannot do this...do this...do this... [x2]
Whats in there you thinks so cool?
?? Truce
Lets suffer a little two on two
Maybe tried to rule
But noone gave it back to you
I seem to be ??
Find you much better too
How do I feel like?
Alright probably going home
Gonna make it the same
Gonna make it my love time... my love time... [x2]
Cause this is the right world
This is the wrong world
This is the one world
This is the dark world
This is the sun world
This is the sun world
Can you become girl here in the fun world?
(note; everything's fading by now...)
How do I feel like I'm
Alright probably going home
Gonna make it the same
Gonna make it my love's time... my love's time... [x2]
Cause this is the right world
This is the wrong world
This is the one world
This is the dark world
This is the sun world
This is the sun world
Can you become girl here in the fun world?
| |