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Exodus: Aktéři promluvili – rozchod EXODUS se zpěvákem zjevně neproběhl přátelsky… - Aktéři aktuálního personálního rozkolu v EXODUS o něm poprvé promluvili. Slova zp... - spark | 

DUKES: Zetro out, Dukes in – EXODUS podruhé vstupují do stejné řeky - Personální šok u EXODUS. Kapela se rozešla se zpěvákem Stevem „Zetrem“ Souzou, ... - spark | 

Exodus: Legendární EXODUS pracují na nové desce - Fanoušci řízného thrash metalu mají důvod jásat. Legendární EXODUS se totiž chy... - spark | 

Dave: Dave Lombardo na druhém albu projektu VENAMORIS předělal SCORPIONS - Dave Lombardo (ex-SLAYER, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES) po dvou letech vydá druhé album svého m... - spark | 

Ac/dc: EXODUS hrají AC/DC - Thrasheři EXODUS sice pracují na nástupci alba „Persona Non Grata“ (2021), ke své... - spark | 

Brutal Assault: FOTO: Svátek pogování, poodhalená ňadra i skvělý metal. Takový byl Brutal Assault - Do kulis historické pevnosti v Josefově se po roce vrátili fanoušci tvrdé hudby. Ha... - novinky.cz | 

Exodus: Koncert legendy Exodus bol skutoÄnou oslavou thrash metalu! - Boli Äasy, kedy by ste pri nápade ÃsÅ¥ na koncert do klubu uprostred leta iba ... - bleskovky.sk | 

Deicide: Metalová vášeň v pevných zdech. Začal Brutal Assault - Festival Brutal Assault, svátek extrémních metalových žánrů, ozdobily ve středu k... - novinky.cz | 

Exodus: Koncert legendy Exodus bol skutočnou oslavou thrash metalu! - Boli časy, kedy by ste pri nápade ísť na koncert do klubu uprostred leta iba neveriac... - zoznam.sk | 

Exodus: Thrash metalová víchrica Exodus už v sobotu vymetie MMC! - Keby sa povestná thrash metalová Big Four rozrástla na Big Five, Exodus by tam určite... - zoznam.sk | 

Exodus - The Toxic Waltz Exodus - The Toxic Waltz | *** Autor textu: Rob Dukes *** Autor hudby: Exodus | Here's a new dance craze that's sweeping the nation
It's called the toxic waltz and it's causing devastation
You're jumping up and down like a psycho circus clown
Slamming with waltzers all the way around
You get caught up in the whip
You're thrown into a flip
You aim for someone's head
To stain the floor red
Give someone a kick
To prove you're truly sick
Bounce back from some blows
And blood runs out your nose
Flailing round and round
And you're injury bound
Waltz it up!
The pit is it!
You can take your chance
On this rough new dance
If you dare!
To dive in!
There are some that try
But they won't survive
They don't hit!
'Cause they're wimps!
And this exercise
Helps you brutalize
With us!
Everybody's doin' the toxic waltz
Kick your friend in the head and have a ball
Come on and do the toxic waltz
And slam your partner against the wall
Everybody's doin' the toxic waltz
Good friendly violent fun in store for all
Get up off your ass and toxic waltz
If you hit the floor you can always crawl!
Used to do the monkey, but now it's not cool
The twist and mash potato are no exception to the rule
So don't be a dunce and dance like a runt
Just throw your elbows with good friendly violent fun
Don't start to cry
If you get a black eye
Just dive back in
And give another try
But too much action
May leave you in traction
So you better get insurance
No matter your endurance!
Flailing round and round
And you're injury bound
Waltz it up!
The pit is it!
You can take your chance
On this rough new dance
If you dare!
To dive in!
There are some that try
But they won't survive
They don't hit!
'Cause they're wimps!
And this exercise
Helps you brutalize
With us!
Everybody's doin' the toxic waltz
Kick your friend in the head and have a ball
Come on and do the toxic waltz
And slam your partner against the wall
Everybody's doin' the toxic waltz
Good friendly violent fun in store for all
Get up off your ass and toxic waltz
If you hit the floor you can always crawl!
Get up on your feet
Don't look so obsolete
And thrash like an athlete!
Don't sit there on your ass
Don't look like you've got too much class
You'll be harassed!
You know we guarantee
This is the key
So rage or get the third degree!
You begin frontal assaults
And start your somersaults
And do the toxic waltz!
Do the toxic waltz!
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