

Exhumed - Pyathrotic Discorporation Exhumed - Pyathrotic Discorporation | *** Autor textu: Matt Harvey *** Autor hudby: Exhumed | As your dismembered duodenum is ripped
Your ulcerative abrased innards are split
Gurgitated entrails now slush
Putrefacted bowels gurgle and flush
Mutitlated epigastric papillae
A sickening mangled carcass I now emasculate
Exulcerated intestines, disfigured and dismembered
Grotesque exenteration, necropyomorphic detruncation
Sanguined guts stewing, gastrium in shreds
Abdomino-eradication, innard maceration
Chop up the intestines, rancid offal festering
Your innards brutally thrashed, your torso collapsed
Disarticulated gore, your innards shredded and warm
Infectious dislocated scabs, your cavities brutally trashed
Pulpy visceral shreds, shredded carnage and bits of flesh
Disgustingly mangled and ablated, you are utterly disincarnated
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