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ACID FORCE: NAžIVO: Metalová smršť pod širým nebem aneb Ohlédnutí za Basinfirefestem očima a ušima našeho fotografa - Osmnáctý ročník Basinfirefestu, který se konal ve Spáleném Poříčí, je již min... - musicserver.cz | 

Destruction: Basinfire 2024: Thrashová nálož v podání DESTRUCTION, SUICIDAL ANGELS A 1000BOMBS - Thrash sjednocuje generace, a tak jeho zastoupení nesmí chybět ani letos ve Spáleném... - spark | 

Lions: Rozjeďte moshpit! SUICIDAL ANGELS servírují druhou ukázku z čerstvého alba… - Po pecce „When the Lions Die“ sdílejí řečtí thrasheři SUICIDAL ANGELS další p... - spark | 

Suicidal Angels: SUICIDAL ANGELS nachystali thrashovou modlitbu a přijedou s ní do Prahy - Řečtí thrasheři SUICIDAL ANGELS navážou po pěti letech na album „Years of Aggres... - spark | 

Atheist: Další zrušené turné, ATHEIST do Ostravy nepřijedou - V ostravském Barráku mělo 2. října vyvrcholit evropské turné deathmetalových prog... - spark | 

Angels: Připomeňte si první den Metalfestu. Zahráli EVERGREY, BLOODBOUND, KREATOR a další - Přinášíme vám rekapitulaci prvního dne Metalfestu objektivem fotografa Lukáše Urb... - spark | 

Suicidal Angels: Thrashová bouřka mocných se snese na Plzeň - spark News, Video, suicidal angels, legion of the damned, destruction 17.02.20 8:00
Thra... - spark-rockmagazine.cz | 

August Burns Red: Týždeň v hard & heavy: Deti hrajú Dillinger, A7X floydov a Gojira Sepulturu - zoznam.sk | 

Behemoth: Full Of Hate Tour odpali v stredu Majestic Music Club - musicpress.sk | 

Behemoth: Full Of Hate Tour již ve středu v Bratislavě! Poslední VIP vstupenky a časový plán akce | 

Suicidal Angels - Child Molester Suicidal Angels - Child Molester | *** Autor textu: Melissourgos *** Autor hudby: Suicidal Angels | Orphan boys and girls end up
In church rules Institutions
To be brought up a Christian way
You better have no illusions
During the day, there's pain and hope
A better life to lead
But come the night the nightmare start
There's lust priests need to feed
There're secret rooms and secret doors
The kids to bring inside
Strip down your clothes, be quick, don't cry
There's no need to be shy
We'll touch your skin, we'll put our hands
Where you don't want them to be
You'll suck our dicks, we'll rip your ass
And God will bless the deed
Do you feel pain? Good, that's just fine
No one will hear your screams
Just let it go, give up, you'll see
We'll haunt you in your dreams
Child Molester
Sick and twisted evil mind
Sinner of the Cloth
You deserve to die
Psychopathology disguised
And hidden deep in black
Inflicted traumas asking why
The Church will cover up
Society in ignorance
That looks the other way
Allowing evil to slip through
Disease and Lust hold sway
Their sexual hunger know no bounds
Innocence comes to an end
Distorted minds have burnt their mark
On bodies that lay bent
Unholy, sinful, satisfied
Everyone's buying their lies
The truth is buried deep within
The priests will claim their prize
Is this what your God has blessed you to preach?
Is this the holiness you're trying to reach?
Are you the guide through our risky path?
Looks like to me your heart's full of wrath
I'm just a kid, I can't stand and fight
You were supposed to show me the Light
Your life is full of dirt, a passage to sin
No honor, no faith, a demon within
Despair unveiled, the looming fear
Agony in their eyes
A horny priest unzips his pants
And shuts the door behind
Coldhearted savages attack
Sadistic molestation
A boy condemned to pain and scorn
A felon will be born
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