Take That

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Gary Barlow:
FOTOGALERIE: Take That vystoupili poprvé v Česku - Legendární britský boyband Take That vůbec poprvé vystoupil v České republice. Ses... - musicserver.cz

Take That:
LIVE: Take That v Česku: Vzpomínky na Robbieho, pivo a retro tanečky - Legendární britská trojice Take That vystoupila ve středu 16. října v pražském O2... - IREPORT

Take That:
NAžIVO: Skvostná i trochu fousatá premiéra Take That - Take That příští rok oslaví neskutečných pětatřicet let od svého vstupu na scé... - musicserver.cz

NAžIVO: Melanie Martinez dovezla do O2 areny za hodně peněz málo muziky - Česká premiéra Take That, sólový Samu Haber ze Sunrise Avenue, Seal v Pardubicích a... - musicserver.cz

Take That:
Koncert Take That v Bratislave: Legendárna britská skupina predviedla
najväčšie hity
- ... - aktuality.sk

Take That:
Dobrý večer Slovensko, my sme Take That! Bratislava zažila koncert, z
ktorého sme nechceli odísť
- Bratislavský Zimný štadión Ondreja Nepelu (Tipos aréna) ožil v utorok atmosférou ... - zoznam.sk

One Direction:
NEJVíC NEJ: Pětice písní Take That podle zrovna aktuálního počtu jejich
členů (a tři bonusy navíc)
- Populárnější boyband v Británii byste těžko hledali. One Direction svůj status ne... - musicserver.cz

Lina Mayer:
Take That ohlásili predskokanku bratislavského koncertu, je ňou Lina Mayer - Slovenská speváčka Lina Mayer v utorok 15. októbra vystúpi v bratislavskej Tipos ar... - zoznam.sk

Take That:
Take That ohlásili predskokanku na bratislavskom koncerte: Obrovská pocta pre
slovenskú speváčku
- Obrovská pocta pre slovenskú speváčku. So sestrou zvykli Take That úplne žrať, ke... - expres.sk

Na co se těšit v říjnu: Groove Brno přivítá Fun Lovin ‘ Criminals,
Kabát vyrazí na turné a v Praze zahrají Nick Cave i Bob Dylan
- Říjen bude na koncerty bohatý. Do O2 areny zavítají Nick Cave a The Bad Seeds a Jona... - IREPORT


Take That

Fanúšikov: 2


Take That - Kidz
Take That - Kidz



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Kings and Queens and Presidents
Ministers of Governments
Welcome to the future of your world

Through talking heads that took liberties
The monkeys learnt to build machines
They think they'll get to heaven through the universe

They say nothing
Deny everything
And make counter accusations
My friends, my dear, my love, my God

There'll be trouble when the kidz come out (come out)
There will be lots for them to talk about (about)
There'll be trouble when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out, when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
What you looking at
Hey, hey, hey, hey
You want a bit of that
Hey, hey, hey, hey
There will be trouble when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all?
The Good, the Bad, the Ugly or the Beautiful

Because it's up hill and against the wind
With no-one there to let us in
Leave your thoughts and save yourself you fool

The daggers of science
Evolving into violence
We're not sure where the fallout blows
But we all know·

There'll be trouble when the kidz come out (come out)
There will be lots for them to talk about (about)
There'll be trouble when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out, when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
What you looking at
Hey, hey, hey, hey
You want a bit of that
Hey, hey, hey, hey
There will be trouble when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out

Out on the streets tonight
They're making peace tonight
They're making peace

La, la, la, la...

There'll be trouble when the kidz come out
There will be lots for them to talk about
There'll be trouble when the kidz come out
When the kidz come out, when the kidz come out

There'll be trouble when the kidz come out

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Tvoje obľúbené položky
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Najnovšie videá

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Tvoje obľúbené piesne
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Najnavštevovanejšie piesne
A Million Love Songs - akordy a text

Babe - preklad

Love Love - preklad

Everything Changes - text

Ain´t No Sense In Love - text

Happy Now - text

Rule The World - preklad

Patience - preklad

The Flood - preklad

Patience - text

Patience :) - akordy a text

Back For Good - preklad

Rule The World - text

Patience - akordy a text

Never Forget - text

Could It Be Magic - preklad

All I Want Is You - text

I Found Heaven - preklad

Relight My Fire - text

Lady Tonight - text


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(C) 2002 - Pavol Bacigál - kontakt: info@supermusic.sk