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Rytmus: Prvý manželský bozk aj intímne zábery po narodení Sanela. Rytmus zverejnil najosobnejší videoklip svojej kariéry - Patrik Vrbovský alias Rytmus minulý týždeň vydal EP Rodina, Love & Spev – prvú z ... - zoznam.sk | 

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Rytmus: Rytmus ohlásil Symphony Show, ktorá spojí niekoľko umeleckých svetov - Rytmus Symphony Show rozmermi nadväzuje na úspešné koncerty slovenského kráľa rapu... - teraz.sk | 

Dj Wich: Svátek rapu. Rytmus, Ego nebo Majk Spirit vystoupí na koncertě DJ Wiche - Producent DJ Wich, který je již přes dvě dekády neodmyslitelnou součástí české ... - idnes.cz | 

Monika Bagárová: Žhavá Bagárová v kůži, divoká Agáta i proklatě krátká sukýnka Bikárové. Koncert Bendiga plný hvězd - Koncert Jana Bendiga v pražském O2 Universum si nenechala ujít celá řada celebrit. H... - extra.cz | 

Dara Rolins: Tina včera odpálila najväčší koncert vo svojej 20-ročnej kariére. Na pódiu sa objavil Rytmus, Dara Rolins či jej dcéra Anička - Na koncert prišli tisícky ľudí.... - Refresher.sk | 

Rytmus: Rytmus sarkasticky odpovedal Ondríkovi: Vysmial ho za podmienku zápasiť bez rukavíc. Prišiel s vlastným návrhom - Slovenský raper navrhuje zaujímavý priebeh zápasu. Rád by to ešte trochu okorenil, ... - Refresher.sk | 

Diddy: Novinky z Ameriky: Posmrtný album, ale aj ďalšie žaloby, toto sa deje v zámorí - Novinky z Ameriky: Posmrtný album, ale aj ďalšie žaloby, toto sa deje v zámorí
Did... - Hashtag.sk | 

Rytmus - Verejný nepriateľ Rytmus - Verejný nepriateľ |  tlač |
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Pesničku videlo 6756 návštevníkov.
Kvalita : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | |
| you killed it
no need to introduce myself, errbody knows im a boss
somebody loves me, somebody got enough of me
they don't like me cause i face up to the truth
they don't like people who have the guts to do so
why do ya'll act like conservative?
anyway most of you is still perverted and primitive
alcohol, drugs, crack, racism, hate, falsity
where is this world headin for?
a typical characteristic of Slovaks is the backbiting
they suffer from inferiority complex because of someone else's success
wanna judge me? you prolly don't even need a mirror
you just forgot to take a look at yourselves
why are you so malicious and so deceitful?
why are you so grudging when somebody is doin well?
you just judge the others yet you are much worse
he who ain't sinful at all cast the first stone
im a mirror and a reflection of the present day
im your conscience and a bearer of your grudge
you betrayed God, you betrayed yourselves
it's a stab in the heart, was it necessary?
aaay rednecks begrudge me cause i got dough
they wanna ruin my dreams, wanna see me down
yeah they are nervous when somebody is doing better than they are
just waiting for the payday and feel deprived
sheep need to be shorn
the world belongs to the skilful, but pricks just keep on dreamin
prolly it's gonna change if you stop envying
your mirror of truth will be clean
all eyes on me when i appear somewhere
i know you keep on talkin shit about me, dickheads
you puff and blow when see me happy
that's why you have complex about errthing and you'll be unhappy
yo, hypocrisy, self-righteousness, robbery and the other atrocities
gold diggers, freeloaders, that's the way this city is
pedophiles, faggots, abortions and cathouses
im the bad one while you are those good,
ya'll doomed forever
why are you so malicious and so deceitful?
why are you so grudging when somebody is doin well?
you just judge the others yet you are much worse
he who ain't sinful at all cast the first stone
im a mirror and a reflection of the present day
im your conscience and a bearer of your grudge
you betrayed God, you betrayed yourselves
it's a stab in the heart, was it necessary?
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