Marillion - Dry Land Marillion - Dry Land |  tlač |
 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 1984 Pesničku videlo 1131 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Marillion | Notations:
h hammer on
p pull off
b bend (i.e. bend the note up until you hit the exact note
following the "b" sign)
r release (i.e. release the note down to the note following
the "r" sign)
s slide (i.e. pluck the note to the left of the sign "s" and
slide your finger to the note to the right of the
sign "s". Do not pluck the note you are sliding to.)
The solo is in D minor. The accompanying chords are Dm, Bb, and C.
These will be indicated at the appropriate places. Also, 4/4 is used.
Dm Bb C
(You may wish to hammer to 11 from 10 [the very first two notes]
instead of plucking 11 separately.)
Dm Bb C
Dm Bb C
Dm Bb
(You may wish to release the last three bends instead of plucking the
note following the bends.)
Well, there it is...
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