Testament - Perilous Nation Testament - Perilous Nation |  tlač |
 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 1987 Pesničku videlo 1171 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Testament | TAB EXPLANATION:
~~~ Vibrato finger (or w/bar)
\-½/ Bar dip
PM Palm muting
b+1 Bend the string whole step
b+½ Bend half step
b+1 r Bend the string up whole step and then release
pb+1 Bend note whole step and then strike it (Prebend)
ub+1 Unison bend (bend lower string one step)
Bass Guitar Guitar 1
(fade in) < < < < < <
Guitar 1
|Guitar 2
| w/bar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| w/bar \-½/ \-½/ \-½/ \-½/ PM-------------------|
Guitars 1 & 2
repeat previous and this
measure two times
Verse: (Bold is the one who dares...)
Main riff Guitars 1&2
Guitars 1 & 2 play main riff
(renegation man, no one he yields...)
(Bleeding hearts and their empty minds...)
(Blind is the one who censors...)
(Men are poor and lost at war of the ideology...)
(No solution will prevail, unless we can be...)
(Free of anger, free of pain, free of hatred that we obtain...)
(Tell me what this place was meant to be..)
Guitars 1 & 2 play main riff on this part:
(Can you see, can you see what it does to me,
Can you hear, can you read, can you see what it did to me...)
Figure before 2nd verse:
Second verse:
Guitars 1 & 2 plays main riff two times
(Totalitarians, in a perilous nation, forcing throught control, turns to desolation...)
On this part, use same riff that was on "Bleeding hearts etc."-part
(Listen to the leaders speak, he's your only friend...)
Guitar Solo:
(Guitar 1)
< < < < < < < < < < <
(Guitar 2)
~~~~~~~~~~ b+1
|(Guitar 2)
Strike note while bending
~~~~~~~~~~ b+1 the previous note 1 whole step
still bending... and release
r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b+1
slowly b+1
Guitar 2 continues playing previous two bars (three times)
pb+1 a.h. a.h.
b+1 r b+1 r b+1
pb+1 pb+1 pb+1 pb+1 pb+1~~~ pb+1~ b+1½ r b+1
b+1½ r-½ pb+1 pb+1 pb+1 pb+1 ------------|
b+1 r b+1½ r b+1½ rake------|
pb+1 pb+1 b+½
b+½ r b+½ r b+½ b+½ r rake------| b+½ r b+½r b+½r b+½ rake------| ~~~~~~~~
|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guitar 2---|
|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this bar---|
|---4-----4----4---4---4---4---4---4-----4----------4----4----4----4----4---4----4---4------4--three times|
~~~~~~~~~~~~ rake------| b+½ r b+½ r b+1 r
release b+1 r rake-------| b+1 r b+1 r
Guitar 2 continues playing the same figure
Guitar 2 still same figure
Guitars 1 & 2
(Free of anger, free of pain, free of hatred that we obtain...)
(Tell me what this place was meant to be..)
Guitars 1 & 2 play main riff twice
Pan right Pan left
Guitar 1. w/neck pickup
Guitar 2. plays previous figure through outro
vol swells w/pedal-------------------------------| b+1 r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rake----|
~~~~~ ~~~~~
dig in A.H.
b+1 r ~~~~~~~~~~ b+1 r
b+1 rb+1 r
pb+1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b+1 r b+1 r b+1 r b+½ r b+½ r b+½ r
pb+½ b+1 r b+1 r b+1 r b+1 r
(hope you understand what I'm trying to say here)
b+½ Hold bend +1 r½ +1 r½ +1 r½ +1 r½
This is barely audible, but bend and release the last note (14th fret G-string) one and half step 11 times
Huh, that's it... |
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