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Sonata Arctica - The Boy Who Wanted To Be A Real Puppet Sonata Arctica - The Boy Who Wanted To Be A Real Puppet |  tlač |
 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 2003 Pesničku videlo 1055 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Sonata Arctica | Standard Tuning, Capo 2
INTRO: (Deep chords set an ominus atmosphere) |1)
E|--0-------0---0----1------0---0---3-------3---3---------|----3---2---| x2
e|-------------------- PROGRESSION:
G|------------0---0--- Am.. Am6 Am | Dm.. Esus4 E |
D|----3---0---0---2--- Gm.. Gm6 Gm | Cm.. Dsus4 D |
A|----3---0---x---2--- Am.. Am6 Am | Dm.. Esus4 E |
E|----1---1---3---0--- Gm.. Gm6 Gm | F5 Dm | G5 Em
Am Em C G/B Am
So many years ago, many more than I'd even care to bear in my mind
Em G D/F#
From the darkest of all places I found you
Am Em C G/B Am
All the limbs in their right places and a heart made of real gold
Em G D/F#
Sell me your little doll, oh sir, I ask you kind
C Em Dadd11 C Em Dadd11 C
Every night I returned to watch them- The master and the puppet in the show
Em Dadd11 C Em Dadd11 C
He said "Oh no, I cannot sell him. Priceless he is, masterpiece of mine."
Am Em C G/B
Please sell me your puppet, sir, name your price oh please!
Am Em G D/F#
Whatever you may ask, tenfold the price I pay
Am Em C G/B
Did I not make it clear? This debate is over
Am Em G D/F#
I will never part from this puppet, my son
C Em Dadd11 C Em Dadd11 C
With hungry eyes I followed them all night, the blind master and the puppet he had made
Em Dadd11 C Em Dadd11 C
No, sir, to sell is not my will! The doll is mine, even if I have to kill
Bb Dm C Bb Dm C Bb
So it shall be, if this is what it takes. Greed is truly blinder than me
Dm C Bb Dm C Bb
Heart of gold is what you wish for? So this little boy wants to be a puppet, for real
..Dm C Bb.. Dm C G
Bb Dm C F Bb Dm C G
C Dadd11 D5
So I have the golden heart
C Dadd11 B D5
Now only needing the voice of the master
C G/B Dadd11 E
Never feel hunger, never grow older
C D5 B Am
My dream was to be a star in a real puppet show
..Em C G/B Am Em G D/F#
Am Em C G/B Am Em G D/F#
Am Em C G/B Am Em G D/F#
Am Em C G/B Am Em G D/F#
Am Am6 Am Dm Esus4 E Gm
It's so hard to remember my life.. The times before the show
Gm6 Gm Cm Dsus4 D Am
Can I ever cut off the strings? "Take a bow, now dance and sing..." (Sing!)
Am6 Am Dm Esus4 E Gm
Would you turn me to a child again? "No, never, I am your guide"
Gm6 Gm Cm
You can see a small grin on the face
F5 Dm G5 Em
Of the master, when the puppet's in his place
Am E G
Be careful what you wish for, wishes might come alive
(G) E Am
The twines are pulling me every day and night
(Am) E G
The show, the glitter and all the fame, I'd give away for a life
Some things can end with a word, they say
E Am
This only ends with a sharp knife (Knife!)
Bb Dm C Dm Bb Dm Gsus4 G
Bb Dm C Dm Bb C G E (Strum out on variations of Am..) |
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