Pain Of Salvation - Sisters - Chords Version 2 Pain Of Salvation - Sisters - Chords Version 2 | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Pain of Salvation |
BWhen all are Gmidizzy and Dmihappy from Ftoo much wine
I Bleave the Gmiparty beDmi, Fhind
To Bwalk alGmione with my Dmithoughts and this Fspinning mind
BThrough this Gmicold night Abut there she stands
And she Dmiwalks like Amiyou
And she Dmismiles almost Amilike you
A Fchild of the Cwild just like GyoC/G, G, *u
BFor a Gmisecond I Dmithink I Fget a glimpse
BOf the Gmireal her, beDmi, Fhind
She's Bwarm and Gmifragile with Dmismiles that reach Fto her eyes
But Bjust this Gmimoment a Achange so sublime
BIf Cshe Dmilooked me deep inCto my eyes
And Bsoftly asked me to
BI'd Cbe Dmiin her bed and iCn her flesh
And Bwaste a life I knew
BSo CI Dmihold my breath and Cclose my eyes
And Bfocus on the wine
BLet Cthis Dmitrembling moment pCass us by
BSo I could say Dmigoodnight
BBut then, on Gmiimpulse I Dmialmost Ftouched her face
BeBfore I Gmipulled back my Dmi, Fhand
And Bwe get neGmirvous we Dmilaugh and she Fspills her wine
BBoth so Gmiawkward, for Dmiwhat's on our Fmind
And she Dmitalks like Amiyou
And she Dmismells almost Amilike you
A Fchild of the Cwild just like GyoC/G, G, *u
But she's Dminot all Amiyou
Even Dmistrives not to Amibe you
Just Flike every Csister would GdoC/G, G, *
And perGmihaps it's the Dmiwine
Or that Gmiyou're in her Dmieyes
But I Fwant her this Cone single GtiC/G, G, *me
Just this one time
BIf Cshe Dmilooked me deep inCto my eyes
And Bsoftly asked me too
BI'd Cbe Dmiin her bed and iCn her flesh
And Bwaste a life I knew
BSo CI Dmihold my breath and Cclose my eyes
And Bfocus on the wine
BLet Cthis Dmitrembling moment Cpass us by
So BI could say goodnight
And Bif CI'd Dmilooked into her eCyes
And Bsoftly asked her too
BShe Cwould Dmigive herself and Cgive her flesh
And Bwaste a life she knew
BSo Cwe Dmihold our breath, and Cclose our eyes
And Btake a sip of wine
BBut Cthis Dmithirst has empCtied every glass
And Bwe should say goodnight
...God, help me say goodnight
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