

Bush - Machinehead Version 2 Bush - Machinehead Version 2 |  tlač |
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Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Bush | This song may be in a tuning other than standard, but I don't think so.
There really isn't anything in the song that can't be played elsewhere on
the fretboard. Therefore, what I have tabbed here should be pretty damn
accurate. If nothing else, it sounds very much like what is on the CD.
There are several different parts that repeat a few times so I'll just
tab those out with a few tips and let you figure out where they should be.
But there are also a few parts that occur during only one part of the
song so I'll try to be as specific as possible with those bits.
Intro and "Fill 1"
Fill 2
While you keep doing Fill 1 another guitar needs to start doing this:
*-(drums in)
*-(stop Fill 1)
*-(begin Fill 2 on second guitar)
Then the vocals start with the "Breathe in, breathe out" stuff and you start
that main riff over again. Then the lead bit over the first chorus ("Got a
machinehead, it's better than the rest" etc.) is like so:
|-4h5-5-5-4h5-5-5-| repeat and crescendo until "I walk from my machine..." etc.
I think that's it as far as tab goes.
The main chord progressions for the verses and choruses are as follows:
Verse: C# and A
Pre-chorus: ("I walk from my machine..." etc.) F# and A
Chorus: ("Got a machinehead, it's better than the rest..") E B C# A
I think that's it. If I've missed something and you can't figure it out from
what I have here, let me know (by email) and I'll get back to ya'.
Questions/comments/CONSTRUCTIVE criticism welcome (by email).
Flames intelligently rebuked (if I feel like it).
Good Luck!
Paul D. (pdmytrewycz@music.transy.edu)
From BUSH's sixteen stone (c) 1994
Tabbed out by: Bas van Pelt [9250128@bn.fnt.hvu.nl]
Okay this is a fairly simple song (like most songs of this album)
but it sound really good
I tabbed out this song about three months or so but never posted it
(I'm lazy) but when i got the version that was on the net i saw that
mine was much better :) so i decided to post it! (it's completer)
A5 C#5
x x
x x
x x
7 11
7 11
5 9
Intro (just guitar no drums or base)
(guitar 1) repeat a couple of times variation 1
e: ------------------------------|--7/9-9-9-9-9-9-9-7-9---4~~~~~------
B: -2--2--4--4--4-5--5--5/7-7\---|-------------------------------------
G: ------------------------------|--^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^---------------
D: ------------------------------|--play the above part ---------------
A: ------------------------------|--three times before.........^-------
E: ------------------------------|-------------------------------------
: variation (listen for it)
: (guitar 2) repeat 2 or three times
e: -------------------------------------------------------------------
B: -------------------------------------------------------------------
G: --------------------------------------------------------------------
D: ------------------------(11)------11\7---(7)------------------------
A: ------------------------(11)------11\7---(7)------------------------
E: ------------------------(9)-------9-\5---(5)------------------------
ahjajahahja hajhajhahaahj (i think) :)
after you did that you just strum those same cords a couple of times
it goes something like this (guitar 2)
figure 1
e: -------------------------------------------------------------------
B: -------------------------------------------------------------------
G: -------------------------------------------------------------------
D: --11--11--x-x-x--11--11--x-x-x-x--11--11--x-x-x--11--11--x-x-x-x---
A: --11--11--x-x-x--11--11--x-x-x-x--11--11--x-x-x--11--11--x-x-x-x---
E: --9---9---x-x-x--9---9---x-x-x-x--9---9---x-x-x--9---9---x-x-x-x---
e: -------------------------------------------------------------------
B: -------------------------------------------------------------------
G: -------------------------------------------------------------------
D: --7---7---x-x-x--7---7---x-x-x-x--7---7---x-x-x--7---7---x-x-x-x---
A: --7---7---x-x-x--7---7---x-x-x-x--7---7---x-x-x--7---7---x-x-x-x---
E: --5---5---x-x-x--5---5---x-x-x-x--5---5---x-x-x--5---5---x-x-x-x---
these rakes may be a little of so you'll have to listen
to the record for the exact timing (it's easy though)
okay you play this part 2 times
the second time this riff gets played VARIATON 1(guitar 1) is played over it
Figure 2
e: -------------------------------------------------------------------
B: -------------------------------------------------------------------
G: -------------------------------------------------------------------
D: -------------------------------11\(7)------------------------------
A: -------------------------------11\(7)------------------------------
E: -------------------------------9-\(5)------------------------------
Breath in breath out (2x) .. Breath in
Figure 3
e: -------------------------------------------------------------
B: -------------------------------------------------------------
G: -------------------------------------------------------------
D: --x-x--11----------------------x-x-x-x-(7)-------------------
A: --x-x--11----------------------x-x-x-x-(7)-------------------
E: --x-x--9-----------------------x-x-x-x-(5)-------------------
Breath in breath out (2x) .. Breath in.......tied to a wheel
Okay from here it's just the C#5 A5 cord (Figure 1) for the verse
here's the lyrics
-tied to a wheel fingers got to feel
-feeling to a tolocate smile
-i spin on a whim i slide to the right
-i felt you like electric light
-for our love
(riff 1 starts here and get's played three times)
-for our fear
-for our rise against the years and years and years
Okay some change here
(guitar stops)
-Got a machinehead better than the rest }
-green to red.... machinehead } this part gets played twice } the second time with this
} the second time with this
} guitar
e: ----------------| |-----------|
B: --2h4-5-5-------| this gets played |-5^fb~~~~r-|
G: ----------------| approx 7 times |-----------|
D: ----------------| then |-----------|
A: ----------------| |-----------|
E: ----------------| |-----------|
-got a machinehead it's better than the rest
-green to red
then something like this follows (listen to the record for exect timing)
figure 4
e: -------------------------------------------------------------------
B: -------------------------------------------------------------------
G: -------------------------------------------------------------------
D: ---4--4--444-444---(7)-x-x-x--------------------------------------
A: ---4--4--444-444---(7)-x-x-x--------------------------------------
E: ---2--2--222-222---(5)-x-x-x--------------------------------------
and i walk my machine
i walk my machine
Figure 1 + riff 1 twice + Variation once
Figure 2
Figure 1 with the following lyrics
-deaf dumb and thirty
-starting to deserve this
-leaning on my conscience wall
-blood is like wine
-i'm conscience all the time
-if i had it all again
-i'd change it all
then the next part (2x)
figure 5
e: -------------------------------------------------------------
B: -------------------------------------------------------------
G: --9-9-x-x-x--------------------------------------------------
D: --9-9-x-x-x-9-9-x-x-x-11-11-x-x-x-7-7-x-x-x------------------
A: --7-7-x-x-x-9-9-x-x-x-11-11-x-x-x-7-7-x-x-x------------------
E: ------------7-7-x-x-x-9--9--x-x-x-5-5-x-x-x------------------
-got a machine head it's better
-than the rest meachine head
-green to red machine head
Figure 4
- Mumbling riff 1 twice + Variation once
Figure 1 (inc text)
Figure 4 (inc text)
the the last part
e: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
B: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
G: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
D: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
A: -4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4--/--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--\-slide back to 4-and repeat as many--
E: -2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--/--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5--\-slide back to 2-times as you like---
but for the last
time you play it
play -2 instead of
instead of
after that he strums something in the E chord and thats it!
Tabbed out by: Bas van Pelt [9250128@bn.fnt.hvu.nl]
From haqi@magmacom.com Tue Jun 18 20:20:13 1996
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 15:17:37 -0500
From: haqi@magmacom.com (Ikramul Haq)
Subject: tab: Machinehead by Bush
by Bush
written by Gavin Rossedale for the album Sixteen Stone
This is a kick ass song. Here it is. Have fun!
Guitar 1
Opening riff (played 10 times):
E |-------------------------------------------------------|
B |-------------------------------------------------------|
G |---6---6--8--8--8--9--9--11-11-------------------------|
D |---X---X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--------------------------|
A |---4---4--6--6--6--7--7--9--9--------------------------|
E |-------------------------------------------------------|
Fill #1:
E |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |--6--6--X--X--X--6--6--6--X--X--X--X--6--6--X--X--X--6--6--6--X--X--X--X---|
D |--6--6--X--X--X--6--6--6--X--X--X--X--6--6--X--X--X--6--6--6--X--X--X--X---|
A |--4--4--X--X--X--4--4--4--X--X--X--X--4--4--X--X--X--4--4--4--X--X--X--X---|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |---2--2--X--X--X--2--2--2--X--X--X--X--2--2--X--X--X--2--2--2--X--X--X--X---|
D |---2--2--X--X--X--2--2--2--X--X--X--X--2--2--X--X--X--2--2--2--X--X--X--X---|
A |---0--0--X--X--X--0--0--0--X--X--X--X--0--0--X--X--X--0--0--0--X--X--X--X---|
E |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |---6---6--8--8--8--9--9--11-11------6--6--8--8--8--9--9--11-11-----------|
D |---X---X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X-------X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X------------|
A |---4---4--6--6--6--7--7--9--9-------4--4--6--6--6--7--7--9--9------------|
E |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |----9999/7777/9999/7777 /9999/7777/9999/7777/------------------|
B |----9999/7777/9999/7777/9999/7777/9999/7777/-------------------|
G |---------------------------------------------------------------|
D |---------------------------------------------------------------|
A |---------------------------------------------------------------|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------|
Now the lyrics come in. The guitar starts playing when Gavin says "tied to
a wheel..."
Then you play fill #1 twice:
then this:
E |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |---6---6--8--8--8--9--9--11-11----- 6--6--8--8--8--9--9--11-11------|
D |---X---X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X-------X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X--X-------|
A |---4---4--6--6--6--7--7--9--9-------4--4--6--6--6--7--7--9--9-------|
E |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |----9999/7777/9999/7777 /9999/7777/9999/7777/------------------|
B |----9999/7777/9999/7777/9999/7777/9999/7777/-------------------|
G |---------------------------------------------------------------|
D |---------------------------------------------------------------|
A |---------------------------------------------------------------|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------|
Then you start play when Gaving sings "Deaf dumb thirty".
Then you play Fill #1 twice through.
Then there's a pause:
The lyrics go
Got a machine head
Better than the rest
Green to read
Then you play this twice
Fill #2
E |--------0---------0---------0---------0-------|
B |----4h5---5---4h5---5---4h5---5---4h5--5------|
G |----------------------------------------------|
D |----------------------------------------------|
A |----------------------------------------------|
E |----------------------------------------------|
Then the song goes
"I walk for my machine"
And you play this twice
Fill #3
E |--------------------------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------------------------|
G |--------------------------2--2--2-2-2-2--2--2-----|
D |--4--4--4-4-4-4--4--4-----2--2--2-2-2-2--2--2-----|
A |--4--4--4-4-4-4--4--4-----0--0--0-0-0-0--0--0-----|
E |--2--2--2-2-2-2--2--2-----------------------------|
Then the music fades and there's sort of a drum solo:
In the Backround really softly, you can hear the opening riff played twice.
Actually, they use a mixer a you probably don't have one.
Then Gavin starts singing "Breath in, breath out..."
You play Fill #1 once only.
And once thechorus starts, you play this:
E |----------------------------------------------------------------|
B |----------------------------------------------------------------|
G |----9--9--9-----------------------------------------------------|
D |----9--9--9---9--9--9--9--9---11--11--11---7--7--7--7--7--------|
A |----7--7--7---9--9--9--9--9---11--11--11---7--7--7--7--7--------|
E |--------------7--7--7--7--7---9---9---9----5--5--5--5--5--------|
That lasts almost the rest of the song for guitar #1 but when Gavin
Finishes singing
"Yeah yeah yeah", guitar #2 playes this:
E |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |---9--9--9--11--9--9--9----9--9--9--11--9--9--9--------------------|
D |---X--X--X--X---X--X--X----X--X--X--X---X--X--X--------------------|
A |---7--7--7--9---7--7--7----7--7--7--9---7--7--7--------------------|
E |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
This is played until the end of the song until gaving starts singing
"I walk for my machine........". Then you play this:
E |------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |------------------------------------------------------------------|
D |------------------------------------------------------------------|
A |---4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4hhh7--7--7--7--7--7--7--7----------------|
E |---2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2hhh5--5--5--5--5--5--5--5----------------|
If there are any questiones feel free to e-mail me at haqi@magmacom.com
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 14:56:43 -0500
From: Joe Sargent
I saw BUSH on TV, and found out that the chords posted on here a while
back for the chorus are wrong. I figured out that the chorus goes like
D|-9--5--7--5-| Guitar one plays this a few times...
Guitar Two plays...
G|------------------------| This is what guitar 2 plays, if it
D|-6-6-XXX-3-3-XXX--------| doesn't sound right, try taking out the
A|-6-6-XXX-3-3-XXX--------| hammer-ons...
E|-4-4-XXX-1-1-XXX--------| |
| |