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Alter Bridge - Never Born To Follow Alter Bridge - Never Born To Follow |  tlač |
 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 2005 Pesničku videlo 1267 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Alter Bridge | Intro/Verse Riff - Guitar 1, with phaser
I know you feel it tonight
She’s a million miles from the life
Never to return
She left it all behind
Before Chorus - Guitar 2
"If only I could have known The things she held in her soul"
"She harbored so much hurt She faced the world alone"
Db5 Gb5 E5 B5
"She dropped out and just tore herself away She was never born to follow"
"Dropped out of a world she couldn’t take, she was"
"never born to follow"
Verse - Similar to Before, except additional overdub part is repeated -
"Into this life she was born
A firefly in the storm
And god how she would burn
She needed so much more"
play 1:42-1:55 Ending
|---10--10--10--10--&--| |-10-------------------|
|-13--13--13--13----&--| |-13gb15---------------|
|----------------------| |----------------------|
|----------------------| |----------------------|
|----------------------| |----------------------|
|----------------------| |----------------------|
"She never said good-bye"
"So it came as no surprise"
"I always feared the worst"
(1:58) Play Chorus Again
Lead Guitar Lick (2:05)
Bridge - play, then repeat 2x similarly (play last chord 3x on repeat 1)
Bridge Pt. 2 - Split parts (Guitar 2 plays chords written)
Gutiar 1 (possibly 2 overdubs, note the parts played multiple times)
A5 (x133xx) Gb5 (555xxx)
"What else could be said What else could be done"
Db5 (with PM & accents) B5 (x355xx)
"Life has slipped away Should have could have over come"
A5 Gb5
"Still I miss her face Brighter than the sun"
Db5 (with PM & accents) B5
"She had to find her way She dared to dream, She dared to"
End of Bridge - 6/4 time, play 2x
(3:19) Play Chorus Again
|------------------------------------------------------ continued
Outro Solo:
add wah (notes are close as I can get, its a D phrygian riff):
end on a low PH (not sure what fret)
Play Bridge to end song
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| PH pinch harmonic
| x Mute note
| b Bend
| r Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| gb gradual bend (slowly increase pitch)
| qb quarter bend (slight pitch change)
| FL flutter (hit tremelo bar quickly to vibrate fretted string)
| tr trill (alternate notes)
| |